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In Greece to walk alongside migrant people - 2025
Greece is the European Union's first port of call for those fleeing war and persecution. Those who arrive here often find themselves alone, forced to live on the streets. Volunteers from the Pope John XXIII Community, together with Operation Dove, visit people living in and outside refugee camps to offer them support and services, and monitor and report on the human rights violations they suffer. Their presence is crucial: support them on this journey of peace.
Operation Dove in Colombia - 2025
Operation Dove volunteers are present in the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó to provide the civilian population with greater security and hope for a better life. Support them to build peace with them.
Operation Dove in Palestine - 2025
Since 2002, volunteers from Operation Dove have been present in Palestine, first in the Gaza Strip, in Al Qarara (Khan Younis), then since 2004 in the West Bank, in the village of At-Tuwani (hills south of Hebron). Today more than ever, therefore, the presence of Operation Dove volunteers is essential: to protect the safety of the Palestinian inhabitants of the area, who just want to live on their own land.
Operation Dove in Ukraine - 2025
Since March 2022 Operation Dove has been present in Ukraine, first in Lviv, Kiev and Odessa, currently in Mykolaïv and Kherson. Supporting the presence of Operation Dove volunteers means not leaving the most fragile people in conflict-affected territories alone and concretely supporting the efforts of those who want to respond to violence with solidarity.
Operation Dove in Lebanon - 2025
Operation Dove volunteers share life and work alongside Syrian refugees still living in camps across the country. Supporting, helping and protecting them means still believing in the strength of relationships and the peace that comes from staying close and dreaming together.
I try to live alone: a project to support young people with disabilities
"I try to live on my own" is a project that, thanks to the collaboration between GRD Faenza and the Pope John XXIII Community, offers young people with disabilities the opportunity to learn to live on their own. Now they need your help to raise the €15,000 needed for the maintenance of one of the homes made available to the young people, which has seriously deteriorated over time.
A bus to embrace life
Bruno and Tiziana are part of the Pope John XXIII Community and in their family home "Caress of God" they welcome anyone who needs to be loved. Now they need your help to buy a bus suitable for transporting a wheelchair to be able to drive Luca, who has paraplegia, to school, and also all the other children with disabilities in the municipality where they live and in the neighboring town. Support their project and help them reach the €20,000 needed!
Let's help the "Martha and Mary" Family Home face daily challenges
The Family House "Martha and Mary," of the Pope John XXIII Community, has been taking in children, youth and elderly people in fragile conditions for more than 30 years. Now they need your help to raise the €15,000 needed to purchase a car, which is indispensable for accompanying the welcomed persons in all normal daily activities.
Renovating the bathroom: a project for little Frederick
The 'Marta' family home, a reality of hospitality of the Pope John XXIII Community, needs your help to raise €13,500 needed to renovate the bathroom, which is essential to make the home a welcoming and comfortable place for everyone, including those with severe disabilities or mobility difficulties. Help them too!
Dignity and safety for families in the Village of Joy
The Village of Joy, located in Forli, takes in fragile families in need and helps them build a path to self-sufficiency. Now they need your help to raise the €15,000 needed to meet various expenses, which relate to securing housing and the autonomy and personal growth of the families welcomed. Only with your help can we achieve this goal. Thank you!
A car to travel all together
Perprim and Eriselda, dad and mom from the "Patrizia Gardini" family home of the Pope John XXIII Community, have been taking in children and frail people in a small village in Albania since 2022. Now they need your help to raise the €5,500 needed to support the cost of a seven-seater car, essential for transporting the whole family to town and carrying out daily activities. Let's help them, together. Thank you!
A car for the Myriam family home in Nazareth.
The Myriam family home in Nazareth, a reality of hospitality of the Pope John XXIII Community now needs your help to raise the €15,400 needed to cover the cost of a car, essential for carrying out all the daily activities of their large family. Help Lucia and Ilaria reach the goal!
A new car to ensure a better future for children and young people
In Puerto Madryn, in the deep south of Argentine Patagonia, Maurizio along with other volunteers from the Pope John XXIII Community organize activities aimed at children and young people from poor families who are often victims of violence. Your help is crucial in raising the €30,000 needed to purchase a new adequate and safe car, essential not only for the volunteers' travels, but also for accompanying the children to activities and visiting families in need.
A car for my autonomy
Andrea is a boy with disabilities who has many passions and a lot of drive. Help him with the annual expenses of his equipped vehicle that provides him with the independence he is entitled to and needs.
Take Me Home: a project to give a family to children with disabilities
The "Take Me Home" project promotes the right of every child to live in a family, including children with serious illnesses or disabilities. Initially started in Piedmont, now the Pope John XXIII Community has extended the project to Lombardy and resources (€20,000) are needed to continue to guarantee it. Thanks to awareness and support actions it is possible to give hope and a better future to children with disabilities, in need of care and love. With your help we can build stories with happy endings for these fragile children.
A well to stop thirst: let's help the people of Turkana
The Turkana region of Kenya is facing one of the worst droughts in 40 years. People are forced to dig shallow holes in lake beds to search for water, but it is dirty and undrinkable, causing serious health problems, especially among children. The solution is the construction of wells that can provide potable water. The total cost of the work is €126,990. Everyone's support is needed to achieve this goal. Your help now is indispensable.
A new home to love and be loved
Nicola and Donata have chosen to be a family for those who are alone and to share life with the most fragile people. To continue to do so, they will have to move to a new house: the Rectory in Bertesina (VI), which, however, needs to be renovated to adapt to the needs of the people received and those who will arrive. The expense is high: €75,000, so they also need your help to reach the goal. Support them!
A Family House that changes its face
Antonio and Gianna of the "Sant'Antonio" Family Home in Rimini, reconfirm their YES to those in need of a family every day. Now they want to renovate the rooms on the ground floor of their house to create a mini-apartment that will house families or people in need who have no place to stay. The total cost is €26,000. Support the project to enable them to continue to open up to the most fragile.
Operation Dove
Operazione Colomba's volunteers work side by side with victims in conflict zones, living with them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, sharing risks and hardships but also hopes and possible solutions. Thanks to their international presence and nonviolent actions, they protect the lives of defenseless civilians and concretely build Peace where there is hatred and violence. Peace in the world is a common good: to build it, we need everyone's help.
Your table for One Meal a Day
Create your own online fundraiser and get your friends involved-let's create a big table together for those suffering from hunger, in Italy and around the world.
At the side of those who live on the street
The Pope John XXIII Community welcomes those living on the streets to its Bethlehem Huts, places where we live with the homeless and lonely. It meets them thanks to the volunteers of the street units who go out every night to look for them, and in the soup kitchens, where we feed hundreds of people every night. Support us to continue to give comfort and a future to those who have lost everything.
Family Homes need you!
The Family Homes of the Pope John XXIII Community are more than homes. Before being physical structures, they are emotional structures. They are families. Dads and mothers who donate their homes, their time and their lives to disabled children, lonely and abandoned people and anyone else who needs to be welcomed and helped. The needs are growing like the number of our Houses: support them now with a donation.
Celebrate a special occasion by creating your own fundraiser
So many have already chosen to create their own fundraiser.
All that's missing is you!

Roberto's words
Thanks to the love of my sister Barbara and brother-in-law Roberto, of the Family Home "Our Lady of Tenderness," their family home has become the safe place for so many fragile souls.
I chose to do my part by helping them buy a new car, because I have always received from them the proof that unconditional love EXISTS even on this Earth and that each of us can do so much good for our neighbor.