Take Me Home: a project to give a family to children with disabilities

The "Take Me Home" project promotes the right of every child to live in a family, including children with serious illnesses or disabilities. Initially started in Piedmont, now the Pope John XXIII Community has extended the project to Lombardy and resources (€20,000) are needed to continue to guarantee it. Thanks to awareness and support actions it is possible to give hope and a better future to children with disabilities, in need of care and love. With your help we can build stories with happy endings for these fragile children.

Take Me Home: a project to give a family to children with disabilities

The "Take Me Home" project promotes the right of every child to live in a family, including children with serious illnesses or disabilities. Initially started in Piedmont, now the Pope John XXIII Community has extended the project to Lombardy and resources (€20,000) are needed to continue to guarantee it. Thanks to awareness and support actions it is possible to give hope and a better future to children with disabilities, in need of care and love. With your help we can build stories with happy endings for these fragile children.

Every child has the right to live in a family
The right to a family is sacred and universal, recognized for all children, regardless of the challenges that life throws at them. Law 149 of 2001 laid the groundwork to guarantee this right unconditionally, including children with serious illnesses or disabilities. However, many of these little ones when they are born are abandoned in hospitals where they remain even for long periods, waiting for a home but above all for a family to take them in as their own, for a mom and dad to give them the love that a newborn needs. The success of the "Take Me Home" project launched in Piedmont by the Pope John XXIII Community - in synergy with other associations in the area - has shown that it is possible to change the lives of these children.

Now the Community has extended the project to Lombardy as well, and to continue guaranteeing it, your help is essential. In the city of Como, a collaboration with Asst Lariana has been established. In recent months, some children have been accompanied by people who have chosen to be their caregivers during hospitalizations, while others have been taken in by willing families, some linked to our Association, others external, but supported by us. In February 2025, a course for extra-family caregivers will begin at St. Anne's Hospital, taught by hospital and private social workers.

Through the "Take Me Home" project, we can give hope and a bright future to those children with severe disabilities or complex health issues who urgently need a foster family or support in their family of origin. Because every child deserves love, care and a stable family environment.

Children with disabilities need love
Children with disabilities have complex needs that only a family ready to devote love and devotion to them and a support network can fully meet. Many of them are not recognized at birth and have no family background. Through love and care, new opportunities are thus created for these little ones, and efforts are made to reintegrate them into the community through collaboration with foster families, Associations, schools, rehabilitation centers, and local groups so as to foster the integration of these children into the social fabric.

Fundraising goal:
The Pope John XXIII Community wants to raise the necessary funds to support the project in Lombardy: to raise awareness and information in the area, to train new foster families, and to activate the case manager, a professional figure who will be the point of reference for all those involved. In the first months of 2025, it is planned to train volunteer extra-family caregivers who will be essential to ensure care and support for children hospitalized at the wards of Sant'Anna Hospital in Como.
With your help we can build stories with happy endings for these fragile children.

You can support this project in two ways:
  • Donate to an already active personal fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser and help us involve many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation. This way you multiply your support and help us secure a family for those in urgent need of love.
Other ways to donate:
You can also donate by bank transfer or postal bulletin.
IBAN: IT04 X030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Both payable to: Pope John XXIII Community Association
Reason to specify: 23R023 bring me home Lombardy

9,920 €

20,000 €
39 Donations


create your own fundraiser or donate for an already active one


create your own fundraiser
or donate for an already active one

Every child has the right to live in a family
The right to a family is sacred and universal, recognized for all children, regardless of the challenges that life throws at them. Law 149 of 2001 laid the groundwork to guarantee this right unconditionally, including children with serious illnesses or disabilities. However, many of these little ones when they are born are abandoned in hospitals where they remain even for long periods, waiting for a home but above all for a family to take them in as their own, for a mom and dad to give them the love that a newborn needs. The success of the "Take Me Home" project launched in Piedmont by the Pope John XXIII Community - in synergy with other associations in the area - has shown that it is possible to change the lives of these children.

Now the Community has extended the project to Lombardy as well, and to continue guaranteeing it, your help is essential. In the city of Como, a collaboration with Asst Lariana has been established. In recent months, some children have been accompanied by people who have chosen to be their caregivers during hospitalizations, while others have been taken in by willing families, some linked to our Association, others external, but supported by us. In February 2025, a course for extra-family caregivers will begin at St. Anne's Hospital, taught by hospital and private social workers.

Through the "Take Me Home" project, we can give hope and a bright future to those children with severe disabilities or complex health issues who urgently need a foster family or support in their family of origin. Because every child deserves love, care and a stable family environment.

Children with disabilities need love
Children with disabilities have complex needs that only a family ready to devote love and devotion to them and a support network can fully meet. Many of them are not recognized at birth and have no family background. Through love and care, new opportunities are thus created for these little ones, and efforts are made to reintegrate them into the community through collaboration with foster families, Associations, schools, rehabilitation centers, and local groups so as to foster the integration of these children into the social fabric.

Fundraising goal:
The Pope John XXIII Community wants to raise the necessary funds to support the project in Lombardy: to raise awareness and information in the area, to train new foster families, and to activate the case manager, a professional figure who will be the point of reference for all those involved. In the first months of 2025, it is planned to train volunteer extra-family caregivers who will be essential to ensure care and support for children hospitalized at the wards of Sant'Anna Hospital in Como.
With your help we can build stories with happy endings for these fragile children.

You can support this project in two ways:
  • Donate to an already active personal fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser and help us involve many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation. This way you multiply your support and help us secure a family for those in urgent need of love.
Other ways to donate:
You can also donate by bank transfer or postal bulletin.
IBAN: IT04 X030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Both payable to: Pope John XXIII Community Association
Reason to specify: 23R023 bring me home Lombardy

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Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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