Terms of use

TERMS OF USE OF THE SITE – daicistai.apg23.org

Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII (hereafter: “APG23”) is the owner of the site, which it directly updates and manages.

The site aims to disseminate information, reports, news on projects and initiatives undertaken, as well as events to be organised in the future and updates on the progress of support and intervention activities in situations of hardship and difficulty in progress. It addresses the dissemination of information materials on the institutional mission and events involving APG23 all over the world. It also allows users to adhere to its initiatives, also through the donation of funds intended for the pursuit of the institutional aims of our organization.

The documentation, images, fonts, artwork, graphics, software and other contents of the site, and all codes and on-line forms used to implement the site, are the property of APG23 or are the exclusive right of use of APG23.

The material contained in the site is protected by copyright. By material we mean any descriptive document, photographic images or images in video format, scripts, software, logos, fonts, background colours of the material itself.

Use of the site may be purely personal and non-commercial, except in cases specifically authorised in advance in writing by APG23. In this regard, it should be noted that the request must be made indicating the purpose of use, the period of use, the means by which the material would be disseminated (Web, leaflets, editorial publications). The use must be intended always and exclusively related to a specific initiative and only for the corresponding period. The authorization is not granted for purely commercial purposes, does not confer any exclusive right nor does it allow the appropriation of the materials. In any case, the third party to whom the authorization is granted may not grant the use of the same to third parties.

If use is made in a manner which does not comply with the authorisation issued by APG23, recourse shall be had to the early termination of the same and a claim for damages, both financial and in terms of image. Any liability of a civil, criminal or fiscal nature for the use of the material is the sole responsibility of the third party, who releases APG23 from all liability. Unauthorised reproduction of our materials is subject to legal action by our organisation, which constantly monitors the web and other forms of potential dissemination in order to control any unauthorised use of what it owns.

In the reproduction, confusion and/or association with other trademarks, names, signs, IP addresses, companies, organizations that may be harmful, or otherwise misleading, defamatory, unlawful, libelous, incompatible or contrary to the decorum and image of APG23 must always be avoided.

Therefore, it is forbidden to copy, modify, upload, download, transmit, publish or distribute the content or trademarks of the website to third parties for commercial purposes (with the exception of cases of partnership regularly agreed upon and contractually regulated) or for purposes which may prejudice the image of APG23.

The user, for purely professional or personal purposes and never for commercial purposes, shall be entitled to download texts or other contents of the website and to disseminate them via web or print, provided that in doing so it is explicitly andclearly indicated the source of the same.

Banners and logos placed in the predefined “download” sections of the site may also be downloaded for personal or professional purposes and never for commercial purposes, except where otherwise clearly indicated in correspondence with the content in question.

In particular, unauthorised reproduction of APG23 institutional banners/logos on websites is subject to legal action on our part.

The website may occasionally propose links to the websites of other bodies, organisations or companies: APG23 may not be held responsible for their availability, their content, the products and services offered, nor for any damage or loss incurred as a result of their use. APG23 shall not be held responsible for the methods and purposes of collecting and processing personal data by such third parties.

APG23 shall use its best efforts to keep the service constantly up and running, but shall not be held liable for any damages, loss of data, information or other damages due to delay, inaccurate or failed retrieval of information, restriction or loss of access, difficulties or problems of any kind, errors, unauthorised use while accessing the site and its services or other forms of interaction with the service. APG23 does not warrant or represent that: (a) the services provided through the site will meet your specific requirements and needs; (b) the services provided through the site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure and error-free; (c) the information and results obtained from the use of the services will always be accurate and reliable; (d) any defects in the software managing the site’s services can be eliminated.

Finally, since the acquisition by you of any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the site, where permitted, shall be at your own choice and risk, any liability for any damage to computer systems or loss of data resulting from the downloading of material shall be borne by you and shall not be attributable to APG23.

APG23 shall not be held liable for any damage deriving from inaccessibility to the services of the site or from damage caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletion of content, problems connected to the network, providers or telephone and/or telematic connections, unauthorised access, alteration of data, failure and/or malfunction of the user’s own electronic equipment.

The user acknowledges that APG23 shall not be held responsible for any untruthful information sent directly by the user (e.g.: correctness of e-mail address or telephone numbers or postal addresses or other information of a personal or non-personal nature), as well as information concerning the user which has been provided by a third party, even fraudulently.

The user is responsible for the preservation and secrecy of personal data that may have been released during the use of services provided by the site. The user undertakes to promptly notify APG23 at the e-mail addressprivacy@apg23.org of any unauthorised use of his/her personal data or any other breach of security of which he/she may become aware.

The website provides the user withalso access to APG23 groups created on social networks. To this end, it is specified that users acknowledge their exclusive responsibility for the content sent and for the behaviour undertaken in such contexts, exonerating and holding our organisation harmless from any responsibility and from any prejudicial effect connected with actions, including legal actions, promoted by anyone, requests for reimbursement of any expense and requests for compensation for any damage, direct or indirect, suffered as a result of sending the content.

The user undertakes to adhere strictly to the following rules of conduct:

  1. not to make communications that cause damage or disturbance to the net or to third users or that violate the laws and the regulations in force
  2. not to enter into the network material or communications with potentially offensive content or that cause damage to the harmonious development of the personality of the minor, to respect the principles that regulate public order and social security, avoiding the dissemination of messages, images or other material that may incite the commission of crimes, the use of violence or violent acts, any form of participation or collaboration in illegal activities
  3. not to disseminate anything harmful to human dignity, or that has pornographic content or content contrary to morality or that promotes prostitution or child pornography
  4. not to place on the web any material that is prejudicial to the harmonious, psycho-relational and physical development of minors or that incites abuse and/or crimes against minors
  5. not to put on the web material that violates the law on copyright, or other intellectual or industrial property rights; in particular, pirated software, music files, images, videos, texts protected by copyright
  6. do not use disrespectful language, much less foul language and avoid flame(do not insult)
  7. do not post pornographic, sexually oriented or obscene material
  8. do not post material that is offensive or defamatory to anyone, including expressions of fanaticism, racism, hatred, irreverence or threats
  9. not to send material that contains your own judicial data or that of third parties
  10. not to post material that promotes or provides information that instructs on illegal activities or that are in any way related to them or that may cause harm to third parties
  11. not to upload software, information or other material containing viruses or harmful components
  12. not to enter material containing initiatives related to gambling, contests, games that require participation for a fee
  13. not to send material that is not suitable for minors under 18 (eighteen) years of age
  14. not to post material containing advertising or sponsorship, even if paid for
  15. not to post material or activities that, in general, violate or lead to the violation of any provision of law or regulation for the protection, even only, of private individuals or a provision legitimately issued by the Public Authority
  16. not to enter material that depicts minors without the express permission of the parent(s) or exercising parental authority over the child(ren)
  17. not to insert material portraying third parties who have not given their consent to the on-line publication of their images
  18. not to insert material that contains data concerning the health, political or religious opinions, racial origins or sexual habits of third parties.

If the user sends his own material to the site, accepting these conditions of use, he declares and guarantees to have legitimately acquired the contents and, by sending it, he expressly authorizes its publication on-line, assuming all responsibility for it and relieving and keeping indemnifiedAPG23 from any and all claims made by any third parties with respect to such content and use.

If you join any of the social networking groups created by APG23, please be aware that social networks are online social networking services aimed at communities of individuals who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most of these services are managed through the Web and offer different ways of interaction between users. If you wish to participate in them, please follow these guidelines:

  1. When you enter your personal data, you lose control over it. The data can be recorded by all contacts and members of the groups you have joined, processed, disseminated, even after years.
  2. Sometimes, by agreeing to join a social network, you grant the company that manages the service a licence to use the material you have entered online (photos, chats, writings, thoughts) without time limits.
  3. Most social networking sites are based abroad, and so are their servers. In the event of a legal dispute or problems arising from violation of privacy, you are not always protected by Italian and European laws.
  4. If you decide to leave a social networking site you are often only allowed to “deactivate” your profile, not “delete” it. The data, the materials that have been entered online could still be stored in the servers, in the computer archives of the company that offers the service. Read well what the conditions of use and the privacy guarantees offered in the contract that you accept at the moment of the registration foresee.
  5. It is necessary to think before inserting one’s own data on-line if one does not want them to be spread or used to one’s own detriment. It is good to report any violations to the Guarantor so that he can intervene to protect the user.
  6. When you insert photos of third parties or you “tag” them, first ask yourself if you are violating the privacy of others. If in doubt, ask for the third party’s consent first.
  7. Beware of fake profiles. All you need is a photo, a name and some information about a person’s life to get hold of their online identity.
  8. Beware of information made available online. The date and place of birth are sufficient to obtain the tax code. Other information may help to trace a person’s bank or postal account or username and password.
  9. Use different log-ins and passwords than the credentials you set up to access other sites, manage email, home banking and the like. Change your password often.

It should be noted that APG23 is committed to ensuring the correct use of the interactive services made available to the user in order to prevent illegal content from being put on the network: Therefore, APG23 reserves the right, at its sole discretion, in the event of incorrect or suspicious actions, to delete the contents entered or modify them after they have been entered by the user and also to inhibit access to users at any time and for any legitimate reason, without prior notice, as well as to inform, where appropriate, the competent authorities if it verifies the illegality of the contents sent or the illegality of the users’ behaviour.

Under no circumstances shall APG23 be held liable for any improper, offensive or indecent content or for any errors or omissions transmitted or made available through its website. As mentioned above, APG23 will not be able to pre-screen posted content but will have the right to block or remove any type of content at its own discretion.

You agree to assume all risksinherent in the use of any content.

The user allows APG23 to collect and store personal data released by using the services available on the site, and to disclose it: (a) for the needs of justice; (b) to defend against actions by third parties; (c) for the protection of their own rights and safety, of users and of the general public. Any violation, even if only presumed, of these conditions of use, or any violation, even if only presumed, of the rights of third parties and/or of the legal regulations in force in our system shall lead to the suspension or interruption of the services and, where necessary or appropriate, to notification of the competent authorities.

In particular, APG23 will inform the competent authorities if behaviour which may constitute an offence is found.

APG23 reserves the right, at its own discretion, to:

  1. modify these conditions of use: users will be notified by means of an announcement published on this site. The use of the services after the entry into force of these changes implies the complete acceptance of these changes. The user can check the current text of the conditions of use at any time by accessing the link “conditions of use”.
  2. check and delete the material sent to the site
  3. interrupt the availability of the site at any time and without notice.

By accessing the present site the user and Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII agree that the laws and regulations of the Italian State will apply to all matters relating to the use of the website.

The user and Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII also agree to submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Court of Rimini for the above matters.

By accessing this website and using the tools made available therein, the user implicitly accepts the terms and conditions contained herein.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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