A Family House that changes its face

Antonio and Gianna of the "Sant'Antonio" Family Home in Rimini, despite their hardships and advancing age, reconfirm every day their YES to those in need of a family. Now they want to renovate the rooms on the ground floor of their house to create 2 small apartments that will house families or people in need who have no place to stay. The total cost is €15,000. Support the project to enable them to continue to open up to the most fragile.

A Family House that changes its face

Antonio and Gianna of the "Sant'Antonio" Family Home in Rimini, despite their hardships and advancing age, reconfirm every day their YES to those in need of a family. Now they want to renovate the rooms on the ground floor of their house to create 2 small apartments that will house families or people in need who have no place to stay. The total cost is €15,000. Support the project to enable them to continue to open up to the most fragile.

Antonio and Gianna have been a Family House of the Pope John XXIII Community for more than 30 years: they are husband and wife, parents, friends, grandparents, landmarks for the area in which they live and for the many people they have welcomed. Different people, each with their own story, to whom Antonio and Gianna have been there for as each one needed, living together as a true family amid trust and affection.

Now there are 8 in the house, including a young mother who with her 2 children fled Ukraine to find shelter in Italy. Antonio and Gianna said their "yes" without hesitation to respond to this mother's emergency.
And a lot of people have passed through all these years. Their home has always been a safe place for those seeking shelter and a fixed point from which to start again.
Advancing age and so many years in the Family Home also bring with them a lot of weariness, but Antonio and Gianna, despite the difficulties, despite Gianna's disability, have always reconfirmed their choice of welcoming and sharing life. A choice that requires tenderness and caring, patience and availability.

Now many of the children are grown up, many of the people welcomed have fortunately found their way, and the house is no longer as crowded as before but remains a place to be cherished and preserved, even for those who will animate, in the future, that place.
The rooms on the ground floor, which until recently had another destination, have now been freed up and can be renovated so that they can be transformed into 2 small apartments that will be able to accommodate family units or people in difficulty who do not have a place to stay, to whom Antonio and Gianna will be able to ensure closeness, support. In addition, the spaces that will be obtained will also allow for suitable places dedicated to personal meetings, including with social workers and institutions in the area, with which the family home collaborates, while respecting everyone's privacy.

Theexpense for the work amounts to €15,000, a sum that the Pope John XXIII Community, which has to provide for the many needs of more than 500 foster care entities, cannot sustain alone, especially at this time when requests for help are increasing and expenses are rising. That is why Antonio and Gianna need you!

Donate now and multiply your help by creating your own fundraiser to share with your friends. Thanks to your support, this family home will continue to open to the most fragile and be a safe place of welcome and love. Come on, are you in!!!
You can also donate by bank transfer or postal bulletin.
IBAN: IT04 X030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Both payable to: Pope John XXIII Community Association - ONLUS
Specifying in the reason for payment: 22R016 Works Family House Sant'Antonio

16,710 €

15,000 €
60 Donations
Antonio and Gianna have been a Family House of the Pope John XXIII Community for more than 30 years: they are husband and wife, parents, friends, grandparents, landmarks for the area in which they live and for the many people they have welcomed. Different people, each with their own story, to whom Antonio and Gianna have been there for as each one needed, living together as a true family amid trust and affection.

Now there are 8 in the house, including a young mother who with her 2 children fled Ukraine to find shelter in Italy. Antonio and Gianna said their "yes" without hesitation to respond to this mother's emergency.
And a lot of people have passed through all these years. Their home has always been a safe place for those seeking shelter and a fixed point from which to start again.
Advancing age and so many years in the Family Home also bring with them a lot of weariness, but Antonio and Gianna, despite the difficulties, despite Gianna's disability, have always reconfirmed their choice of welcoming and sharing life. A choice that requires tenderness and caring, patience and availability.

Now many of the children are grown up, many of the people welcomed have fortunately found their way, and the house is no longer as crowded as before but remains a place to be cherished and preserved, even for those who will animate, in the future, that place.
The rooms on the ground floor, which until recently had another destination, have now been freed up and can be renovated so that they can be transformed into 2 small apartments that will be able to accommodate family units or people in difficulty who do not have a place to stay, to whom Antonio and Gianna will be able to ensure closeness, support. In addition, the spaces that will be obtained will also allow for suitable places dedicated to personal meetings, including with social workers and institutions in the area, with which the family home collaborates, while respecting everyone's privacy.

Theexpense for the work amounts to €15,000, a sum that the Pope John XXIII Community, which has to provide for the many needs of more than 500 foster care entities, cannot sustain alone, especially at this time when requests for help are increasing and expenses are rising. That is why Antonio and Gianna need you!

Donate now and multiply your help by creating your own fundraiser to share with your friends. Thanks to your support, this family home will continue to open to the most fragile and be a safe place of welcome and love. Come on, are you in!!!
You can also donate by bank transfer or postal bulletin.
IBAN: IT04 X030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Both payable to: Pope John XXIII Community Association - ONLUS
Specifying in the reason for payment: 22R016 Works Family House Sant'Antonio

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