Family Homes need you!

The Family Homes of the Pope John XXIII Community are more than homes. Before being physical structures, they are emotional structures. They are families. Dads and mothers who donate their homes, their time and their lives to disabled children, lonely and abandoned people and anyone else who needs to be welcomed and helped. The needs are growing like the number of our Houses: support them now with a donation.

Family Homes need you!

The Family Homes of the Pope John XXIII Community are more than homes. Before being physical structures, they are emotional structures. They are families. Dads and mothers who donate their homes, their time and their lives to disabled children, lonely and abandoned people and anyone else who needs to be welcomed and helped. The needs are growing like the number of our Houses: support them now with a donation.

There aremany fathers and mothers in the Community who welcome into their homes and share their lives with children, the elderly, the disabled and the marginalized: people in need of a fixed point from which to start again, of a family in which to find themselves.

This is what makes each of our homes more than a home, a place where special things keep happening until they become normal. That's why ours are more than homes. Family.

The relationships that arise are authentic, generated by a choice of true and selfless love and satisfy the need that everyone has to feel loved. To feel at home.

There are more and more Family Homes: more than 200 in Italy and around the world, each with its own rhythms and needs. The needs are many, they are increasing and the Community alone cannot cover them all. This is why we are asking for your help. All together, putting in what you can.

Create your own fundraiser and help us to give a family to those who don't have one.

12,872 €

15,000 €
153 Donations


create your own fundraiser or donate for an already active one


create your own fundraiser
or donate for an already active one

There aremany fathers and mothers in the Community who welcome into their homes and share their lives with children, the elderly, the disabled and the marginalized: people in need of a fixed point from which to start again, of a family in which to find themselves.

This is what makes each of our homes more than a home, a place where special things keep happening until they become normal. That's why ours are more than homes. Family.

The relationships that arise are authentic, generated by a choice of true and selfless love and satisfy the need that everyone has to feel loved. To feel at home.

There are more and more Family Homes: more than 200 in Italy and around the world, each with its own rhythms and needs. The needs are many, they are increasing and the Community alone cannot cover them all. This is why we are asking for your help. All together, putting in what you can.

Create your own fundraiser and help us to give a family to those who don't have one.

Fundraisers supporting the project

News from fundraisers


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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