A home ready to welcome, with your help...

A home where you can find shelter, a family that embraces you and helps you, to which you can cling in order to walk again on your own. For more than 10 years, at the Capanna di Betlemme in Bologna, run by the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, the city's homeless have discovered a place where they can be reborn. Now maintenance work and new furnishings are needed for this house where so many people rediscover their dignity. Let's help them together.

A home ready to welcome, with your help...

A home where you can find shelter, a family that embraces you and helps you, to which you can cling in order to walk again on your own. For more than 10 years, at the Capanna di Betlemme in Bologna, run by the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, the city's homeless have discovered a place where they can be reborn. Now maintenance work and new furnishings are needed for this house where so many people rediscover their dignity. Let's help them together.

Not even during the pandemic did the Capanna di Betlemme in Bologna close its doors to those who asked for help, always respecting all the necessary precautions. The people who live here are those who are usually called "homeless", who have been on the streets for years, but also those who until recently had a job and a family and suddenly found themselves living in a car, in abandoned cottages...
Even more than a roof for the night and a hot plate, these brothers need the warmth of a family, in a welcoming home where they can start building their lives again, helped by friendly people.
We, a group of members and volunteers of the Pope John XXIII Community, share our lives with them, we live together, day after day here at the Hut. Alongside them we face an adventure every day: to start living again. It is never too late to make it, but you need that hand that offers you help and to which you can cling so that you can walk again on your own. It happens, and the many friends who have left the street life and have chosen to live with us prove it. This is the Bethlehem Hut, which now, after so many years of life, needs maintenance work and new furnishings, to make those who arrive feel that they are finally safe, finally at home.
Thanks to the generosity of many people in recent months we have already been able to replace some kitchen appliances, paint the walls and buy gardening tools that have allowed us to build a beautiful vegetable garden and a chicken coop, so that we always have something to eat.
Now we ask you to help us because there is still more to do. It is essential to replace also the wall units of the industrial kitchen, where we cook every day for 60/70 people. We need to renew the bunk beds, the mattresses and the pillows of the rooms where 25/30 people sleep every night and which we welcome directly from the street. We also need new chairs for the dining room, the room that is most important to us because it is often right in front of a hot dish enjoyed all together that a strong friendship is created and you find the desire to regain your dignity.
Help us, then, and leave your mark in this house. Open a collection or support those who have already opened it, and this house will be ready to welcome also thanks to you!

---You can
also donate by

Iban code: IT 04X 030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036 Registered to
: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Attività ONLUSCausale
: 18R016 Sostegno Capanna Bologna

Deposit to c/c n. 12148417Maid to
: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Attività ONLUSCausale
: 18R016 Sost

egno Capanna Bologna

10,145 €

11,000 €
120 Donations
Not even during the pandemic did the Capanna di Betlemme in Bologna close its doors to those who asked for help, always respecting all the necessary precautions. The people who live here are those who are usually called "homeless", who have been on the streets for years, but also those who until recently had a job and a family and suddenly found themselves living in a car, in abandoned cottages...
Even more than a roof for the night and a hot plate, these brothers need the warmth of a family, in a welcoming home where they can start building their lives again, helped by friendly people.
We, a group of members and volunteers of the Pope John XXIII Community, share our lives with them, we live together, day after day here at the Hut. Alongside them we face an adventure every day: to start living again. It is never too late to make it, but you need that hand that offers you help and to which you can cling so that you can walk again on your own. It happens, and the many friends who have left the street life and have chosen to live with us prove it. This is the Bethlehem Hut, which now, after so many years of life, needs maintenance work and new furnishings, to make those who arrive feel that they are finally safe, finally at home.
Thanks to the generosity of many people in recent months we have already been able to replace some kitchen appliances, paint the walls and buy gardening tools that have allowed us to build a beautiful vegetable garden and a chicken coop, so that we always have something to eat.
Now we ask you to help us because there is still more to do. It is essential to replace also the wall units of the industrial kitchen, where we cook every day for 60/70 people. We need to renew the bunk beds, the mattresses and the pillows of the rooms where 25/30 people sleep every night and which we welcome directly from the street. We also need new chairs for the dining room, the room that is most important to us because it is often right in front of a hot dish enjoyed all together that a strong friendship is created and you find the desire to regain your dignity.
Help us, then, and leave your mark in this house. Open a collection or support those who have already opened it, and this house will be ready to welcome also thanks to you!

---You can
also donate by

Iban code: IT 04X 030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036 Registered to
: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Attività ONLUSCausale
: 18R016 Sostegno Capanna Bologna

Deposit to c/c n. 12148417Maid to
: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Attività ONLUSCausale
: 18R016 Sost

egno Capanna Bologna


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Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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