The poor can't wait for our reasoning...

The Bethlehem Hut in Bologna is an evening and night shelter where the "invisibles", the people who live on the margins of our city, find not only a roof to welcome them or a bed to sleep in, but the warmth of a family.La Capanna is a reality that I have been attending for several years, with which I share precious moments and where I have met many people. The same people I meet in the evening outings at the station, along the streets and under the arcades of Bologna. They are different people who live in great solitude and who only ask not to be considered as rejects of this society. Today the Bethlehem Shelter needs our help: we would like to refurbish the rooms where the "homeless" are housed with new beds, mattresses and chairs, so as to make the house more welcoming and familiar. To do all this we need everyone's help, and yours too.Let's do it together. Are you in? Thank you!---You canalso donate by:BANK TRANSFERIban code: IT 04X 030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036 In the name of: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Attività ONLUSCausale: 18R016 Sostegno Capanna BolognaPOSTAL BULLETINDeposit on the account n. 12148417 made out to: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Attività ONLUSCausale: 18R016 Sostegno Capanna Bologna

The poor can't wait for our reasoning...

Fundraising by Gian Franco Coliva

The Bethlehem Hut in Bologna is an evening and night shelter where the "invisibles", the people who live on the margins of our city, find not only a roof to welcome them or a bed to sleep in, but the warmth of a family.
La Capanna is a reality that I have been attending for several years, with which I share precious moments and where I have met many people. The same people I meet in the evening outings at the station, along the streets and under the arcades of Bologna. They are different people who live in great solitude and who only ask not to be considered as rejects of this society. Today the Bethlehem Shelter needs our help: we would like to refurbish the rooms where the "homeless" are housed with new beds, mattresses and chairs, so as to make the house more welcoming and familiar. To do all this we need everyone's help, and yours too.
Let's do it together. Are you in? Thank you!
---You can
also donate by:


Iban code: IT 04X 030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
In the name of: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Attività ONLUSCausale
: 18R016 Sostegno Capanna Bologna


Deposit on the account n. 12148417
made out to: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Attività ONLUSCausale
: 18R016 Sost

egno Capanna Bologna

1,765 €

2,000 €
28 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: A home ready to welcome, with your help...
Total project goal: 11.000 €

A home where you can find shelter, a family that embraces you and helps you, to which you can cling in order to walk again on your own. For more than 10 years, at the Capanna di Betlemme in Bologna, run by the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, the city's homeless have discovered a place where they can be reborn. Now maintenance work and new furnishings are needed for this house where so many people rediscover their dignity. Let's help them together.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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