A different future at the end of the world

In Patagonia, the Puerto Madryn center of the Pope John XXIII Community supports 43 disadvantaged children, providing education and meals to those from poor families and living in violent contexts. A new bus would help them reach difficult places and extend after-school care to even more children. Difficult winter weather conditions make the situation worse, especially for families with disabilities. The bus is essential to distribute material and emotional support during cold weather. Help them now.

A different future at the end of the world

In Patagonia, the Puerto Madryn center of the Pope John XXIII Community supports 43 disadvantaged children, providing education and meals to those from poor families and living in violent contexts. A new bus would help them reach difficult places and extend after-school care to even more children. Difficult winter weather conditions make the situation worse, especially for families with disabilities. The bus is essential to distribute material and emotional support during cold weather. Help them now.

Every step toward a better future needs a reliable vehicle, even more so when we are talking about the future of so many children, such as those who attend the Pope John XXIII Community center in the city of Puerto Madryn, in Patagonia, at the southernmost tip of Argentina.

There are 43 children whom we welcome and to whom we guarantee an education and at least one meal a day; children who come from extremely poor families, where there are many times episodes of violence and who in most arrive at the age of 12 completely illiterate, managing to attend school for only 2 hours a week because of a state education system that is completely absent.

A new bus will be a valuable ally especially in being able to reach places that are difficult to access and will ensure the after-school program for even more children. Children like Francisco for example. Francisco has mild mental retardation and both he and his mother have suffered severe violence. Maurizio, the center's manager, first met him when he was 9 years old: he only knew how to cry and despair, was always with his head resting on the table or hidden inside a backpack. He didn't interact, didn't play, and no child could get close to him. Now he finally trusts Maurizio, who has become a father figure to him, and he trusts the operators. The after-school program has become his family.

In addition to the lack of resources and the precariousness of the institutions, the situation of these children and their families is also exacerbated by the climatic conditions here: the winter seasons in Patagonia can be unforgiving, with harsh weather that puts a strain on, in particular, mothers and fathers of children with disabilities. Our van will become an even more vital means of support during the colder months, enabling us to distribute food, stoves, wood and gas canisters directly to the homes of families in need, providing practical help and emotional support.

To accomplish all this we urgently need your support. Support the activities of the Puerto Madryn center with a donation and multiply your help by activating an online fundraiser to share with your friends, to raise even more together. Each contribution represents concrete hope for the future of all the children and families we help every day.

9,320 €

20,000 €
50 Donations
Every step toward a better future needs a reliable vehicle, even more so when we are talking about the future of so many children, such as those who attend the Pope John XXIII Community center in the city of Puerto Madryn, in Patagonia, at the southernmost tip of Argentina.

There are 43 children whom we welcome and to whom we guarantee an education and at least one meal a day; children who come from extremely poor families, where there are many times episodes of violence and who in most arrive at the age of 12 completely illiterate, managing to attend school for only 2 hours a week because of a state education system that is completely absent.

A new bus will be a valuable ally especially in being able to reach places that are difficult to access and will ensure the after-school program for even more children. Children like Francisco for example. Francisco has mild mental retardation and both he and his mother have suffered severe violence. Maurizio, the center's manager, first met him when he was 9 years old: he only knew how to cry and despair, was always with his head resting on the table or hidden inside a backpack. He didn't interact, didn't play, and no child could get close to him. Now he finally trusts Maurizio, who has become a father figure to him, and he trusts the operators. The after-school program has become his family.

In addition to the lack of resources and the precariousness of the institutions, the situation of these children and their families is also exacerbated by the climatic conditions here: the winter seasons in Patagonia can be unforgiving, with harsh weather that puts a strain on, in particular, mothers and fathers of children with disabilities. Our van will become an even more vital means of support during the colder months, enabling us to distribute food, stoves, wood and gas canisters directly to the homes of families in need, providing practical help and emotional support.

To accomplish all this we urgently need your support. Support the activities of the Puerto Madryn center with a donation and multiply your help by activating an online fundraiser to share with your friends, to raise even more together. Each contribution represents concrete hope for the future of all the children and families we help every day.

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Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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