Helping Mauritius in Patagonia
Fundraising by Daniele Grasso
I have known Maurizio for many years.
He was in Venezuela when Chiara and I were down almost a year as volunteers. During that time we saw each other every day and organized the various activities together.
He then stayed in Venezuela for another 10 years, living through the terrible economic and humanitarian crisis we heard about on the news.
He is now still part of thePope John XXIII Community Association but lives in Puerto Madryn, in Argentine Patagonia.
We talk from time to time and just a couple of weeks ago we spent more than an hour on the phone. He told me about the situation he is living in and the difficulty of carrying out the various aid activities toward the neediest families in the poor neighborhoods (barrios).
Right now, in particular, he is having problems with the means of transportation. They are old and the roads are difficult, there is desert, wind and sand there. And he is struggling more and more to get around, to bring food, stoves for warmth to families living in severe poverty. Adequate transportation is essential to reach the barrios for after-school activities, in an area where schools are open less than half the days of the year and children often reach age 12 completely illiterate.
Solving the problem of vehicles would be important.
When the fundraiser opened, I immediately decided to participate by also organizing one myself in support of the same project.
I ask everyone and everyone for a hand, with generosity!