We give future to Madryn

Hi I'm Lorenza,from August 2022 to June 2023 I did my Civil Service in Puerto Madryn, Patagonia Argentina. During this year I carried out various activities : I helped with the shower service for people living on the streets, shared time with mothers and children in difficult neighborhoods, and above all I participated in the school support of children and young people from two very poor neighborhoods (barrios) .There are 43 children who are taken in here and are guaranteed an education and at least one meal a day by the project. These are children who come from extremely poor families, where there are many times incidents of violence and most of them arrive at the age of 12 completely illiterate. So much is being done, but so much more could be done. And to be able to do that is to move around the city, to be able to reach all the people and places at any time .A new bus would definitely be a starting point to help move this project forward, but the cost is high, 20,000€. The roads as soon as it rains become impassable, as they are made of earth, and when it rains they flood and it is not possible to cross them with a normal car, not being able to reach the families.That is why I chose to help Maurizio, the manager, by activating this fundraiser but I need all the help I can get.Please help me too to ensure that these children have hope. All it takes is a donation, big or small. Come on, are you in?

We give future to Madryn

Fundraising by Lorenza Bassi

Hi I'm Lorenza,

from August 2022 to June 2023 I did my Civil Service in Puerto Madryn, Patagonia Argentina. During this year I carried out various activities : I helped with the shower service for people living on the streets, shared time with mothers and children in difficult neighborhoods, and above all I participated in the school support of children and young people from two very poor neighborhoods (barrios) .

There are 43 children who are taken in here and are guaranteed an education and at least one meal a day by the project. These are children who come from extremely poor families, where there are many times incidents of violence and most of them arrive at the age of 12 completely illiterate. So much is being done, but so much more could be done. And to be able to do that is to move around the city, to be able to reach all the people and places at any time .

A new bus would definitely be a starting point to help move this project forward, but the cost is high, 20,000€. The roads as soon as it rains become impassable, as they are made of earth, and when it rains they flood and it is not possible to cross them with a normal car, not being able to reach the families.

That is why I chose to help Maurizio, the manager, by activating this fundraiser but I need all the help I can get.

Please help me too to ensure that these children have hope. All it takes is a donation, big or small. Come on, are you in?

3,000 €
The fundraiser supports the project: A different future at the end of the world
Total project goal: 20.000 €

In Patagonia, the Puerto Madryn center of the Pope John XXIII Community supports 43 disadvantaged children, providing education and meals to those from poor families and living in violent contexts. A new bus would help them reach difficult places and extend after-school care to even more children. Difficult winter weather conditions make the situation worse, especially for families with disabilities. The bus is essential to distribute material and emotional support during cold weather. Help them now.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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