Operation Dove in Colombia - 2022

The pandemic, in recent years, has limited travel from Italy to foreign countries and has also hit hard all the countries of Latin America. In spite of this, Operazione Colomba's volunteers continue to be present and operate in the Community of Peace of San José de Apartadó to guarantee to the civilian population more safety and a better hope of life.

Operation Dove in Colombia - 2022

The pandemic, in recent years, has limited travel from Italy to foreign countries and has also hit hard all the countries of Latin America. In spite of this, Operazione Colomba's volunteers continue to be present and operate in the Community of Peace of San José de Apartadó to guarantee to the civilian population more safety and a better hope of life.

Since 2009, Operazione Colomba has been present in the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, in the northwest of Colombia, to support the local population in the Defense of Human Rights and their territories.
In 2016, the Colombian government and the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) signed a Peace Agreement but illegal armed groups have occupied the lands left by the guerrillas, subduing the civilian population: murders of social and indigenous leaders, defenders of Human and Environmental Rights have increased.
The Peace Community is composed of about 300 people, mainly peasants and farmers who live in small villages located in a very large area. Its members have chosen to resist in a nonviolent way to the threats of armed groups interested in controlling the territory, challenging an economic model that is based on human and environmental exploitation, practicing a lifestyle that focuses on the person, the community and the environment.
Thepresence of volunteers is necessary: it acts as a deterrent to the use of violence; volunteers accompany the inhabitants in their movements, often very difficult, in the city or along paths sometimes mined and crossed by armed groups; they collect information on violations suffered by members of the community for advocacy actions.
All activities serve to provide the civilian population with greater security and a better hope of life in a country considered among the most dangerous in the world for those who defend human rights and the environment.Support the volunteers to build peace with them.

13,887 €

15,000 €
89 Donations
Since 2009, Operazione Colomba has been present in the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, in the northwest of Colombia, to support the local population in the Defense of Human Rights and their territories.
In 2016, the Colombian government and the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) signed a Peace Agreement but illegal armed groups have occupied the lands left by the guerrillas, subduing the civilian population: murders of social and indigenous leaders, defenders of Human and Environmental Rights have increased.
The Peace Community is composed of about 300 people, mainly peasants and farmers who live in small villages located in a very large area. Its members have chosen to resist in a nonviolent way to the threats of armed groups interested in controlling the territory, challenging an economic model that is based on human and environmental exploitation, practicing a lifestyle that focuses on the person, the community and the environment.
Thepresence of volunteers is necessary: it acts as a deterrent to the use of violence; volunteers accompany the inhabitants in their movements, often very difficult, in the city or along paths sometimes mined and crossed by armed groups; they collect information on violations suffered by members of the community for advocacy actions.
All activities serve to provide the civilian population with greater security and a better hope of life in a country considered among the most dangerous in the world for those who defend human rights and the environment.Support the volunteers to build peace with them.


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