The banality of the good

I have just returned from the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartadó, Colombia. A community of peasants, in a lush green land, as full of resources as it is raped by those who want to grab those resources. "Do not participate directly or indirectly in war" recites one of the community's cardinal principles, as simple as it is revolutionary, in a context where violence makes one blind, angry and unable to choose. Instead, the community has chosen head-on the voice of nonviolence, the light of peaceful resistance, the solidarity of being collective, for each other. Sharing a piece of community life means seeing strong hands working the land, children smiling, seeds growing and plants bearing fruit. It also means being an international presence, a valuable civilian escort, a deterrent to armed actors in the territory. It means walking for hours in the Colombian jungle, hoping not to fall off the mule, knowing that on arrival there will always be a hot meal, contributing for a little piece to the community's safety, accompanying them in this choice of life, actively neutral to the conflict that surrounds them. Support Operation Dove's presence in the San Jose de Apartadó Peace Community, too! "If you had the seed of a mango in your hands, knowing that it requires many years of care before it bears fruit, fruit that you will probably never be able to harvest ... wouldn't you plant it anyway?"

The banality of the good

Fundraising by Luigi Albonico

I have just returned from the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartadó, Colombia.
A community of peasants, in a lush green land, as full of resources as it is raped by those who want to grab those resources.
"Do not participate directly or indirectly in war" recites one of the community's cardinal principles, as simple as it is revolutionary, in a context where violence makes one blind, angry and unable to choose.
Instead, the community has chosen head-on the voice of nonviolence, the light of peaceful resistance, the solidarity of being collective, for each other.
Sharing a piece of community life means seeing strong hands working the land, children smiling, seeds growing and plants bearing fruit.
It also means being an international presence, a valuable civilian escort, a deterrent to armed actors in the territory. It means walking for hours in the Colombian jungle, hoping not to fall off the mule, knowing that on arrival there will always be a hot meal, contributing for a little piece to the community's safety, accompanying them in this choice of life, actively neutral to the conflict that surrounds them.
Support Operation Dove's presence in the San Jose de Apartadó Peace Community, too!

"If you had the seed of a mango in your hands, knowing that it requires many years of care before it bears fruit, fruit that you will probably never be able to harvest ... wouldn't you plant it anyway?


1,535 €

2,000 €
26 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Operation Dove in Colombia - 2022
Total project goal: 15.000 €

The pandemic, in recent years, has limited travel from Italy to foreign countries and has also hit hard all the countries of Latin America. In spite of this, Operazione Colomba's volunteers continue to be present and operate in the Community of Peace of San José de Apartadó to guarantee to the civilian population more safety and a better hope of life.


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