Seguimos caminando juntos

Since 2009, volunteers from Operation Dove have been accompanying the Comunidad de Paz de San José de Apartadó with nonviolent civil escort activities. For twenty-five years, the Peace Community has denounced systematic human rights violations by the Colombian state and all actors involved in the armed conflict. For twenty-four years the Peace Community has been the victim of killings, threats, and massacres. In 2015 I had the honor of accompanying them and sharing a piece of their journey. I met people, stories, faces, smiles, the most beautiful resistance I have ever known. In Colombia there is a saying, "quien looks like mango, not like mango," but, as Brigida taught me, "shouldn't we sow mango plants just because we know we can never eat the fruit?" To continue to support, even from a distance. Vamos todos adelante con cariño y mucho amor.

Seguimos caminando juntos

Fundraising by Alessia Galbiati

Since 2009, volunteers from Operation Dove have been accompanying the Comunidad de Paz de San José de Apartadó with nonviolent civil escort activities.

For twenty-five years, the Peace Community has denounced systematic human rights violations by the Colombian state and all actors involved in the armed conflict. For twenty-four years the Peace Community has been the victim of killings, threats, and massacres.

In 2015 I had the honor of accompanying them and sharing a piece of their journey. I met people, stories, faces, smiles, the most beautiful resistance I have ever known.

In Colombia there is a saying, "quien looks like mango, not like mango," but, as Brigida taught me, "shouldn't we sow mango plants just because we know we can never eat the fruit?"

To continue to support, even from a distance.

Vamos todos adelante con cariño y mucho amor.

1,005 €

1,000 €
11 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Operation Dove in Colombia - 2022
Total project goal: 15.000 €

The pandemic, in recent years, has limited travel from Italy to foreign countries and has also hit hard all the countries of Latin America. In spite of this, Operazione Colomba's volunteers continue to be present and operate in the Community of Peace of San José de Apartadó to guarantee to the civilian population more safety and a better hope of life.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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