Drinking water emergency in Ukraine

The poorest and most fragile people are left in the bombed city of Mykolaiv. Repeated missile attacks have destroyed the water systems and the city no longer has potable water. STOPTHEWARNOW wants to answer the call for help from these people it has met and gotten to know by building 10 desalination plants that will help make water accessible and potable again. Help us and support this project too.

Drinking water emergency in Ukraine

The poorest and most fragile people are left in the bombed city of Mykolaiv. Repeated missile attacks have destroyed the water systems and the city no longer has potable water. STOPTHEWARNOW wants to answer the call for help from these people it has met and gotten to know by building 10 desalination plants that will help make water accessible and potable again. Help us and support this project too.

The city of Mykolaiv, known as "the city of shipbuilders," is an important Ukrainian port located between Odessa and Cherson, a few dozen kilometers from the fighting front. Because of its strategic location, it was one of the very first targets of the February invasion and has been exposed to heavy shelling ever since, suffering many civilian casualties.

Before the war began, the population was about 500,000. Today, more than half of them have fled to seek safer places. The poorest and most fragile people remained in the city , those who could not escape.

In the already dramatic situation of the shelling, the condition of those still living in Mykolayiv is getting even worse: there has been no drinking water for months. We cannot turn our backs on those who are living in a city under siege.

Missiles fired in recent months destroyed both the desalination plant and the city's sewage treatment plant. Since then, residents have depended solely on supplies from outside, but the more the winter advances, the more impractical this road will become.

In recent months many requests for help have come in, and STOPTHEWARNOW has brought one of its caravans right to Mykolayiv. We got to know the inhabitants so we want to commit ourselves to them by financing 10 desalination plants that will be used to separate salt from sea water, making it completely free of mineral salts and therefore drinkable, thus helping them get through the winter .

A desalination plant requires 25,000 euros.

STOPTHEWARNOW's network has already accomplished unthinkable things, brought aid, rescued people and ensured its presence in Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict because we do not want to leave those who suffer alone. Today, your help is indispensable in helping the people of Mykolaiv by ensuring their right - inalienable - to have access to free, safe and continuous sources of clean water.

Ten desalinators are needed for the city: help us now to fund the first 25,000 euro plant: donate now or create your own fundraiser to share with your friends . Together, donation after donation, we can succeed in funding the entire project. Thank you!

19,957 €

25,000 €
108 Donations
The city of Mykolaiv, known as "the city of shipbuilders," is an important Ukrainian port located between Odessa and Cherson, a few dozen kilometers from the fighting front. Because of its strategic location, it was one of the very first targets of the February invasion and has been exposed to heavy shelling ever since, suffering many civilian casualties.

Before the war began, the population was about 500,000. Today, more than half of them have fled to seek safer places. The poorest and most fragile people remained in the city , those who could not escape.

In the already dramatic situation of the shelling, the condition of those still living in Mykolayiv is getting even worse: there has been no drinking water for months. We cannot turn our backs on those who are living in a city under siege.

Missiles fired in recent months destroyed both the desalination plant and the city's sewage treatment plant. Since then, residents have depended solely on supplies from outside, but the more the winter advances, the more impractical this road will become.

In recent months many requests for help have come in, and STOPTHEWARNOW has brought one of its caravans right to Mykolayiv. We got to know the inhabitants so we want to commit ourselves to them by financing 10 desalination plants that will be used to separate salt from sea water, making it completely free of mineral salts and therefore drinkable, thus helping them get through the winter .

A desalination plant requires 25,000 euros.

STOPTHEWARNOW's network has already accomplished unthinkable things, brought aid, rescued people and ensured its presence in Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict because we do not want to leave those who suffer alone. Today, your help is indispensable in helping the people of Mykolaiv by ensuring their right - inalienable - to have access to free, safe and continuous sources of clean water.

Ten desalinators are needed for the city: help us now to fund the first 25,000 euro plant: donate now or create your own fundraiser to share with your friends . Together, donation after donation, we can succeed in funding the entire project. Thank you!

Fundraisers supporting the project


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