Cantiere di Pace Comune di Bracciano

The Municipal Administration of Bracciano, together with Associations, citizens and townspeople, has started a PEACE WORKSHOP to build a culture and politics of peace through cultural, educational, solidarity and cooperation initiatives that tend to make our territory a land of peace, committed to peace.

We began to cope together with the humanitarian emergency and the reception of people who were fleeing the war in Ukraine.

Some people from our territory opened their homes: beds, apartments. So many shared groceries, clothes, toys. Citizens and local civil defense associations provided time and means to concretely support those fleeing the war in obtaining documents, permits, medical examinations.

Our social services, together with volunteers with some Ukrainian people who have been here for years, ran a solidarity reception desk open to Ukrainian refugees and all foreigners in need.

In these months we have, as an Administration, continued to sow peace through precise political choices with cultural, social and educational proposals, some symbolic, others very concrete. Participation, culture, education, attention to the most fragile social groups are the tools we have put in place to promote peaceful and supportive community relations.

We wanted to award Bracciano City of Peace and Human Rights precisely because of the attention we want to give to these cross-cutting themes that we consider more of an achievement than an affirmation.

For these reasons we want to support the network #StoptheWarNow composed of associations, NGOs and entities that are organizing a Caravan of Peace in the run-up to the Easter holidays, through concrete solidarity initiatives that will involve our territory.

Each of us must and can do our part to stop war through nonviolent and solidarity actions to stop war and continue to sow peace.

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