Several realities of the Pope John XXIII Community have suffered severe damage as a result of the flood. Families with children and people with disabilities are lost and confused. We are counting the damage, which because of the extent and number of our families affected is extensive. From an emergency of such proportions we can only get out of it together, only by each putting in what we can. We are counting on you.


Several realities of the Pope John XXIII Community have suffered severe damage as a result of the flood. Families with children and people with disabilities are lost and confused. We are counting the damage, which because of the extent and number of our families affected is extensive. From an emergency of such proportions we can only get out of it together, only by each putting in what we can. We are counting on you.

Several family homes, foster care realities, foster families, and work centers of the Pope John XXIII Community and its cooperatives were flooded-some severely-and suffered extensive damage following the flooding that affected the vast territory of Romagna and part of Emilia, between the provinces of Bologna, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini. Others are displaced and we do not know if and when they will be able to return to their homes. Others are currently isolated due to landslides and will have to be evacuated as soon as possible, without knowing today where we will be able to resettle them.

Families with children and people with severe disabilities, rescued after moments of great fear, are lost and confused. We need a place where they can regain stability and security, which is no small problem when it comes to people who have special and special needs, for whom changes are destabilizing, or whom we have taken in agreement and convention with the Prefectures, social services, and for whom sometimes it is complicated even to leave the province of residence.

We are counting the damage, which because of the extent and number of our families affected is extensive. We lost cars and minibuses, which are essential for getting around and ensuring that the people who live with us have everything they need. And then appliances, furniture, fixtures, everyday items have been destroyed.

We are collecting some stories and updates on what we are experiencing on this page of our website.

From an emergency of such proportions we can only get out of it together, only by everyone putting in what they can.

Open an online fundraiser to share with your friends, to collect donations together to support the people in the Community who have lost everything as a result of the flood.

We are counting on you. We really need everyone's help now more than ever.

*The project goal is undefined and will update based on individual personal fundraising goals that you generate.

12,145 €

14,155 €
121 Donations
Several family homes, foster care realities, foster families, and work centers of the Pope John XXIII Community and its cooperatives were flooded-some severely-and suffered extensive damage following the flooding that affected the vast territory of Romagna and part of Emilia, between the provinces of Bologna, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini. Others are displaced and we do not know if and when they will be able to return to their homes. Others are currently isolated due to landslides and will have to be evacuated as soon as possible, without knowing today where we will be able to resettle them.

Families with children and people with severe disabilities, rescued after moments of great fear, are lost and confused. We need a place where they can regain stability and security, which is no small problem when it comes to people who have special and special needs, for whom changes are destabilizing, or whom we have taken in agreement and convention with the Prefectures, social services, and for whom sometimes it is complicated even to leave the province of residence.

We are counting the damage, which because of the extent and number of our families affected is extensive. We lost cars and minibuses, which are essential for getting around and ensuring that the people who live with us have everything they need. And then appliances, furniture, fixtures, everyday items have been destroyed.

We are collecting some stories and updates on what we are experiencing on this page of our website.

From an emergency of such proportions we can only get out of it together, only by everyone putting in what they can.

Open an online fundraiser to share with your friends, to collect donations together to support the people in the Community who have lost everything as a result of the flood.

We are counting on you. We really need everyone's help now more than ever.

*The project goal is undefined and will update based on individual personal fundraising goals that you generate.

Fundraisers supporting the project

News from fundraisers


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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