Fundraiser for Pope John's Community families and host realities in Emilia affected by flooding

We, families and young people, participants of the "Sharing Space" activity of the Pope John XXIII Community in Cittadella (PD) want to express our closeness with a concrete sign to the families and realities in Emilia affected by the flood.Every donation is important. Thank you!

Fundraiser for Pope John's Community families and host realities in Emilia affected by flooding

Fundraising by Giacomo Altavista

We, families and young people, participants of the "Sharing Space" activity of the Pope John XXIII Community in Cittadella (PD) want to express our closeness with a concrete sign to the families and realities in Emilia affected by the flood.

Every donation is important. Thank you!

555 €

555 €
6 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: FLOOD EMERGENCY IN EMILIA-ROMAGNA

Several realities of the Pope John XXIII Community have suffered severe damage as a result of the flood. Families with children and people with disabilities are lost and confused. We are counting the damage, which because of the extent and number of our families affected is extensive. From an emergency of such proportions we can only get out of it together, only by each putting in what we can. We are counting on you.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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