From Florence, in aid of the "San Giovanni Bosco" family home in Faenza

Dear Friends, as I have already verbally communicated to several of you, I too have chosen to do my part and open a fundraiser in support of the people of the Pope John XXIII Community who have lost everything as a result of the flood that hit Emilia-Romagna. In particular, my cousin is the manager of the "San Giovanni Bosco" family home in Faenza, which takes in people with mental disabilities or difficulties in social integration .The facility that houses the family home was severely damaged by the flood (furniture, appliances, fixtures were destroyed) and the minibus needs to be bought back, so help is needed! The guests of the family home, as well as the many other people in the community who were affected by the flood, are still displaced and do not know if and when they will be able to return to the facility.To learn in real time about the situation of the various affected entities in the Community, you can click this link: the May 18 and May 23 updates speak specifically about my cousin's family home.From an emergency of this magnitude we can only get out of it together, only by each one putting what he can. Help me too, thank you all as of now!In addition to the other channels I have already communicated, I am also opening this new way for those who want to contribute without necessarily going through me. I will of course keep you updated on the situation. Thank you.Alessandro Paccagnini

From Florence, in aid of the "San Giovanni Bosco" family home in Faenza

Dear Friends,
as I have already verbally communicated to several of you, I too have chosen to do my part and open a fundraiser in support of the people of the Pope John XXIII Community who have lost everything as a result of the flood that hit Emilia-Romagna. In particular, my cousin is the manager of the "San Giovanni Bosco" family home in Faenza, which takes in people with mental disabilities or difficulties in social integration .

The facility that houses the family home was severely damaged by the flood (furniture, appliances, fixtures were destroyed) and the minibus needs to be bought back, so help is needed! The guests of the family home, as well as the many other people in the community who were affected by the flood, are still displaced and do not know if and when they will be able to return to the facility.

To learn in real time about the situation of the various affected entities in the Community, you can click this link: the May 18 and May 23 updates speak specifically about my cousin's family home.

From an emergency of this magnitude we can only get out of it together, only by each one putting what he can. Help me too, thank you all as of now!

In addition to the other channels I have already communicated, I am also opening this new way for those who want to contribute without necessarily going through me. I will of course keep you updated on the situation. Thank you.

Alessandro Paccagnini

1,515 €

3,000 €
8 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: FLOOD EMERGENCY IN EMILIA-ROMAGNA

Several realities of the Pope John XXIII Community have suffered severe damage as a result of the flood. Families with children and people with disabilities are lost and confused. We are counting the damage, which because of the extent and number of our families affected is extensive. From an emergency of such proportions we can only get out of it together, only by each putting in what we can. We are counting on you.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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