A dry and warm home for a large family

Silvia and Yan's Family Home houses many people with different stories, some with severe disabilities. They need to replace the fixtures before winter comes, because when it rains, water comes into the house wetting the walls and floors. They need 15,000€ and to be able to buy them and make the house dry, warm and safe for everyone. To do this they also need your help. Support them.

A dry and warm home for a large family

Silvia and Yan's Family Home houses many people with different stories, some with severe disabilities. They need to replace the fixtures before winter comes, because when it rains, water comes into the house wetting the walls and floors. They need 15,000€ and to be able to buy them and make the house dry, warm and safe for everyone. To do this they also need your help. Support them.

The St. Augustine Family Home holds many different life stories, as do all the families of the Pope John XXIII Community.
When Silvia and Yan got married, they realized that their way was to take in anyone who needed a family, and today there are 12 in the house: along with their three children live seven other people, some with physical and mental disabilities.

Everyone has different needs, but they all help each other by giving what they can. Mor, a Gambian boy, plays with the children when he returns from work. Luca, a psychiatric gentleman, sets the table, and Ciro, who has long since finished in one of our therapeutic communities, helps set up the house. Pedro, their 4-year-old son, sits next to Lisa, a 48-year-old lady with down syndrome who cannot see or hear, at dinner and feeds her while Iris, age 7, when she notices that Jenny, a girl with a physical disability, has to get up, immediately brings her cart to her.
Every day is filled with these little heartfelt attentions that heal and grow in love.

To ensure that everyone has everything they need, they have moved into a house in the Community, big enough to accommodate them all but in need of some maintenance.

Before winter comes, they have to replace the window frames because when it rains, water comes into the house, wetting the walls and floors. This is a problem for everyone, but especially for frail children with major disabilities for whose health it is necessary to keep the house warm and the rooms dry!

Replacing them requires €15,000, an expense that the Community cannot bear alone. That is why we are also asking for your help: Support them with a donation or multiply your help by activating an online fundraiser to share with your friends in support of the project. Come on, are you in?

2,250 €

6,000 €
30 Donations
The St. Augustine Family Home holds many different life stories, as do all the families of the Pope John XXIII Community.
When Silvia and Yan got married, they realized that their way was to take in anyone who needed a family, and today there are 12 in the house: along with their three children live seven other people, some with physical and mental disabilities.

Everyone has different needs, but they all help each other by giving what they can. Mor, a Gambian boy, plays with the children when he returns from work. Luca, a psychiatric gentleman, sets the table, and Ciro, who has long since finished in one of our therapeutic communities, helps set up the house. Pedro, their 4-year-old son, sits next to Lisa, a 48-year-old lady with down syndrome who cannot see or hear, at dinner and feeds her while Iris, age 7, when she notices that Jenny, a girl with a physical disability, has to get up, immediately brings her cart to her.
Every day is filled with these little heartfelt attentions that heal and grow in love.

To ensure that everyone has everything they need, they have moved into a house in the Community, big enough to accommodate them all but in need of some maintenance.

Before winter comes, they have to replace the window frames because when it rains, water comes into the house, wetting the walls and floors. This is a problem for everyone, but especially for frail children with major disabilities for whose health it is necessary to keep the house warm and the rooms dry!

Replacing them requires €15,000, an expense that the Community cannot bear alone. That is why we are also asking for your help: Support them with a donation or multiply your help by activating an online fundraiser to share with your friends in support of the project. Come on, are you in?

Fundraisers supporting the project

News from fundraisers


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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