Our family needs you. Come on, are you in?

Hi, I am Silvia a stay-at-home mom together with my husband Yan!The precious house in which we have lived for so many years together with our children, natural and welcomed, is starting to get old....Weurgently need to change the window frames, we have been putting off this work for too long and now they have become too old and when it rains the rain comes inside the house flooding various rooms. More and more often we are forced to put towels on towels so as not to create puddles! In winter the old windows can no longer insulate the rooms and cold air and drafts get in everywhere, so it is impossible and really expensive to keep the rooms warm.Ours is a family that takes in children and adults including those with disabilities, some of whom have special physical needs and frailty, so it is important that they do not get cold, especially in the winter months.The work has a cost of 15,000€ and to raise it we need you, the people who know and love us, because alone we cannot do it .To help us you can donate for this collection or multiply your help by activating your own personal fundraiser (like mine) to share with your friends and family-that way we can really reach the goal. Help us make our home a safe and secure place!Thank you very much from all of us for what you will do.Silvia and Yan

Our family needs you. Come on, are you in?

Fundraising by Silvia Argenti

Hi, I am Silvia a stay-at-home mom together with my husband Yan!

The precious house in which we have lived for so many years together with our children, natural and welcomed, is starting to get old....

Weurgently need to change the window frames, we have been putting off this work for too long and now they have become too old and when it rains the rain comes inside the house flooding various rooms. More and more often we are forced to put towels on towels so as not to create puddles! In winter the old windows can no longer insulate the rooms and cold air and drafts get in everywhere, so it is impossible and really expensive to keep the rooms warm.

Ours is a family that takes in children and adults including those with disabilities, some of whom have special physical needs and frailty, so it is important that they do not get cold, especially in the winter months.

The work has a cost of 15,000€ and to raise it we need you, the people who know and love us, because alone we cannot do it .

To help us you can donate for this collection or multiply your help by activating your own personal fundraiser (like mine) to share with your friends and family-that way we can really reach the goal. Help us make our home a safe and secure place!

Thank you very much from all of us for what you will do.

Silvia and Yan

2,250 €

6,000 €
30 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: A dry and warm home for a large family
Total project goal: 6.000 €

Silvia and Yan's Family Home houses many people with different stories, some with severe disabilities. They need to replace the fixtures before winter comes, because when it rains, water comes into the house wetting the walls and floors. They need 15,000€ and to be able to buy them and make the house dry, warm and safe for everyone. To do this they also need your help. Support them.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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