A bus to leave no one behind

At the "Don Oreste Benzi" day care center of the Pope John XXIII Community, people with physical and mental disabilities, including severe ones, find love, care and a safe environment to express themselves. The center now urgently needs to cover the cost of a new minibus so that the operators can continue to make the outward and return trips to accompany the children, safely and conveniently. The fundraising goal is 30,000 euros. Help them too!

A bus to leave no one behind

At the "Don Oreste Benzi" day care center of the Pope John XXIII Community, people with physical and mental disabilities, including severe ones, find love, care and a safe environment to express themselves. The center now urgently needs to cover the cost of a new minibus so that the operators can continue to make the outward and return trips to accompany the children, safely and conveniently. The fundraising goal is 30,000 euros. Help them too!

Our key words: sharing and enhancement
Nestled in the green hills of Cesena, the "Don Oreste Benzi" day care center has an important goal: to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities who attend it and to support their families. Here at the center, people with physical and mental disabilities, including severe ones, find love, care and a safe environment to express themselves and develop their potential. Every day, the children participate in many activities and workshops - such as painting, mosaic, sports activities - that contribute to their physical and mental well-being.

Help for families as well
To reach the center, there is no public transportation available in the area. Precisely for this reason, from the very beginning, the operators decided to meet the families' needs by relieving them of the commitment of accompanying their children every day and also avoiding long and frequent trips (the people received come both from Cesena and from more distant neighboring towns). At the "Don Oreste Benzi" center, in fact, care is taken not only of the children taken in but also of their parents, who are often elderly, sharing together a family atmosphere and mutual support.

Fundraising goal:
The center urgently needs to cover the cost of a new minibus so that the operators can continue to make safe and practical round trips. The fundraising goal is 30,000 euros, but the Cooperative, which already has to bear many other costs, cannot meet this expense at this time. The new bus will ensure that every guest has the opportunity to attend the center, leaving no one behind.

You can support this project in two ways:
  • Donate to an already active personal fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser and help us involve many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation.

18,425 €

30,000 €
56 Donations
Our key words: sharing and enhancement
Nestled in the green hills of Cesena, the "Don Oreste Benzi" day care center has an important goal: to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities who attend it and to support their families. Here at the center, people with physical and mental disabilities, including severe ones, find love, care and a safe environment to express themselves and develop their potential. Every day, the children participate in many activities and workshops - such as painting, mosaic, sports activities - that contribute to their physical and mental well-being.

Help for families as well
To reach the center, there is no public transportation available in the area. Precisely for this reason, from the very beginning, the operators decided to meet the families' needs by relieving them of the commitment of accompanying their children every day and also avoiding long and frequent trips (the people received come both from Cesena and from more distant neighboring towns). At the "Don Oreste Benzi" center, in fact, care is taken not only of the children taken in but also of their parents, who are often elderly, sharing together a family atmosphere and mutual support.

Fundraising goal:
The center urgently needs to cover the cost of a new minibus so that the operators can continue to make safe and practical round trips. The fundraising goal is 30,000 euros, but the Cooperative, which already has to bear many other costs, cannot meet this expense at this time. The new bus will ensure that every guest has the opportunity to attend the center, leaving no one behind.

You can support this project in two ways:
  • Donate to an already active personal fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser and help us involve many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation.

Fundraisers supporting the project

News from fundraisers


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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