Around Sport

Around Sport deals with the management of multipurpose sports facilities independently and in collaboration with other companies. In these facilities are carried out activities in water, both swimming courses, both water fitness; activities on land, both in the gym with cardio-fitness equipment, both through courses. There are also sports activities and some centers have a relaxation area with sauna and turkish bath, physiotherapy and medical center. The Around group, in order to promote motor activity in the age of development, hosts the middle, elementary and nursery schools of the districts of the neighboring municipalities and carries out many social projects aimed at different institutions: universities, social centers, administrations, ACER, Ausl, social cooperatives.

Inside the centers there are many associations that collaborate to the development and development of other activities (swimming, diving, rhythmic gymnastics, physiotherapy and functional recovery, dancing, yoga, football, tennis and martial arts, motor activities for people with disabilities).

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