United in opening ourselves to the world

In the Family House Nossa Senhora of Fatima the real miracle is the poor, the disabled and the homeless who, by doing the honours of the house, give back the welcome and the care they received to the pilgrims they meet on their way. Today, together with Antonio, there are 9 people in all and they need your help to buy a minibus that will allow this wonderful family to travel together. Help them to remain united in opening themselves to the world!

United in opening ourselves to the world

In the Family House Nossa Senhora of Fatima the real miracle is the poor, the disabled and the homeless who, by doing the honours of the house, give back the welcome and the care they received to the pilgrims they meet on their way. Today, together with Antonio, there are 9 people in all and they need your help to buy a minibus that will allow this wonderful family to travel together. Help them to remain united in opening themselves to the world!

In Fatima, a destination for pilgrims and a stage on the road to Santiago de Compostela, there is a place where the poor, people in economic difficulty, young people with disabilities and the homeless are the hosts, who have found, in the sharing of their lives and in welcoming people, the compass to follow for a full and happy life.
This is the Casa Famiglia Nossa Senhora di Fatima where Anthony and his special family welcome all those who knock on their door, in accordance with the charism of the Pope John XXIII Community, which has chosen to be present in this Marian place of great devotion.

Those who are part of the family have experienced first hand the welcome and care and it is they who, in turn, give back to the pilgrims by giving them a hot meal, a comfortable bed in which to sleep and above all moments of pure shared joy. This is the miracle that happens in the Family House of Fatima: the last ones become the first ones, they are reborn in a newfound dignity and feel worthy not only to be loved, but, in turn, to love and become a resource for others.

Antonio is the father of the house and arrived in Portugal almost 4 years ago with the idea of spending only a few months there in prayer. But, as he himself likes to say, "everything was already written" and today, with his large family of 9 people, he testifies that everything can become an opportunity for a gift if we are open to those whom life puts in our path.

At home, the pilgrims, from initial strangers, immediately become part of the family and not only the bread on the table is shared, but stories, lives and friendship in an extraordinary reverse inclusion! Those excluded from society live their days dedicated to others and the pilgrims have a lived Gospel experience that they take away with them when the time comes to close their backpacks.

Now that the family has grown, the needs have also grown and it is necessary to buy a minibus that will allow them to carry out activities outside the home. In fact, today it is not possible to move all together and in 9 it is not easy to think of alternatives because the costs for travel would be unaffordable. Moving for different needs or planning a trip to the beach all together is a mirage!

To buy a minibus, in Portugal, it takes 20,000€. Help Antonio and his family:this is a major expense and the Pope John XXIII Community, which already takes care of the many needs of Family Homes in over 40 countries around the world, does not currently have the resources to cover this unforeseen expense.

Create your own fundraiser, share it with your friends, relatives, colleagues or support those who have already opened it with a donation and allow this wonderful family to remain united in opening itself to the world.
Come on, are you in?
You can also donate through:
Iban code: IT 04X 030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Made out to: Pope John XXIII Community Association - Activities ONLUS
Reason for payment: 21R016 Minibus Fatima Family House

7,860 €

20,000 €
109 Donations
8 Fundraising
In Fatima, a destination for pilgrims and a stage on the road to Santiago de Compostela, there is a place where the poor, people in economic difficulty, young people with disabilities and the homeless are the hosts, who have found, in the sharing of their lives and in welcoming people, the compass to follow for a full and happy life.
This is the Casa Famiglia Nossa Senhora di Fatima where Anthony and his special family welcome all those who knock on their door, in accordance with the charism of the Pope John XXIII Community, which has chosen to be present in this Marian place of great devotion.

Those who are part of the family have experienced first hand the welcome and care and it is they who, in turn, give back to the pilgrims by giving them a hot meal, a comfortable bed in which to sleep and above all moments of pure shared joy. This is the miracle that happens in the Family House of Fatima: the last ones become the first ones, they are reborn in a newfound dignity and feel worthy not only to be loved, but, in turn, to love and become a resource for others.

Antonio is the father of the house and arrived in Portugal almost 4 years ago with the idea of spending only a few months there in prayer. But, as he himself likes to say, "everything was already written" and today, with his large family of 9 people, he testifies that everything can become an opportunity for a gift if we are open to those whom life puts in our path.

At home, the pilgrims, from initial strangers, immediately become part of the family and not only the bread on the table is shared, but stories, lives and friendship in an extraordinary reverse inclusion! Those excluded from society live their days dedicated to others and the pilgrims have a lived Gospel experience that they take away with them when the time comes to close their backpacks.

Now that the family has grown, the needs have also grown and it is necessary to buy a minibus that will allow them to carry out activities outside the home. In fact, today it is not possible to move all together and in 9 it is not easy to think of alternatives because the costs for travel would be unaffordable. Moving for different needs or planning a trip to the beach all together is a mirage!

To buy a minibus, in Portugal, it takes 20,000€. Help Antonio and his family:this is a major expense and the Pope John XXIII Community, which already takes care of the many needs of Family Homes in over 40 countries around the world, does not currently have the resources to cover this unforeseen expense.

Create your own fundraiser, share it with your friends, relatives, colleagues or support those who have already opened it with a donation and allow this wonderful family to remain united in opening itself to the world.
Come on, are you in?
You can also donate through:
Iban code: IT 04X 030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Made out to: Pope John XXIII Community Association - Activities ONLUS
Reason for payment: 21R016 Minibus Fatima Family House

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