A safe home for those in need of love

Maria Cristina and Luca are mom and dad of the Family House "Aquila and Priscilla" of the Pope John XXIII Community. Here in Cinto Euganeo (PD) their house is a place of welcome and love where teenagers in difficulty, adults with cognitive problems and women left alone have found care and protection. Today, however, the house needs urgent intervention: renovation work, replacement of the boiler and installation of mosquito nets. Help Maria Cristina and Luca so that they can continue to open the doors of their home to the most fragile, every contribution is important!

A safe home for those in need of love

Maria Cristina and Luca are mom and dad of the Family House "Aquila and Priscilla" of the Pope John XXIII Community. Here in Cinto Euganeo (PD) their house is a place of welcome and love where teenagers in difficulty, adults with cognitive problems and women left alone have found care and protection. Today, however, the house needs urgent intervention: renovation work, replacement of the boiler and installation of mosquito nets. Help Maria Cristina and Luca so that they can continue to open the doors of their home to the most fragile, every contribution is important!

Maria Cristina and Luca are mom and dad of the Family House "Aquila and Priscilla" in Cinto Euganeo (PD) of the Pope John XXIII Community.
Over the years they have opened the door of their home to anyone in need of care, welcome and love: teenagers in difficulty, people with disabilities, single women and mothers with their children fleeing violent partners. Fourteen years of marriage lived in total self-giving.
Today there are 9 of them between natural and regenerated children in love, and the life of sharing with the least and the fragile is not limited to the walls of their home.

With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the family questioned themselves; they could not remain helpless spectators. And so Maria Cristina left for Lviv to bring a Ukrainian mother with her disabled daughter to Italy. She did so driven by the same motivation that nurtures the care and harmony of their home: what happens to the other affects me.
With the same conviction that her brother's difficulty is my own, it is now urgent to respond to these parents' call for help. Their home is in need of some urgent renovations and especially the replacement of the boiler so that this place will continue to be safe and welcoming for the very different people who inhabit it.

The expense for the work amounts to €7,700, an amount that the Pope John XXIII Community, which has to provide for the many needs of more than 500 shelters, is unable to sustain alone. That is why Maria Cristina and Luca with their large family need you!

Donate, now and multiply your help by creating your own fundraiser to share with your friends. Thanks to your support, this family home will continue to open to the most fragile and be a safe place of welcome and love.
Come on, are you in!!!

5,660 €

7,700 €
22 Donations
Maria Cristina and Luca are mom and dad of the Family House "Aquila and Priscilla" in Cinto Euganeo (PD) of the Pope John XXIII Community.
Over the years they have opened the door of their home to anyone in need of care, welcome and love: teenagers in difficulty, people with disabilities, single women and mothers with their children fleeing violent partners. Fourteen years of marriage lived in total self-giving.
Today there are 9 of them between natural and regenerated children in love, and the life of sharing with the least and the fragile is not limited to the walls of their home.

With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the family questioned themselves; they could not remain helpless spectators. And so Maria Cristina left for Lviv to bring a Ukrainian mother with her disabled daughter to Italy. She did so driven by the same motivation that nurtures the care and harmony of their home: what happens to the other affects me.
With the same conviction that her brother's difficulty is my own, it is now urgent to respond to these parents' call for help. Their home is in need of some urgent renovations and especially the replacement of the boiler so that this place will continue to be safe and welcoming for the very different people who inhabit it.

The expense for the work amounts to €7,700, an amount that the Pope John XXIII Community, which has to provide for the many needs of more than 500 shelters, is unable to sustain alone. That is why Maria Cristina and Luca with their large family need you!

Donate, now and multiply your help by creating your own fundraiser to share with your friends. Thanks to your support, this family home will continue to open to the most fragile and be a safe place of welcome and love.
Come on, are you in!!!

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Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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