We reach the finish line aboard a new minibus.

Angelo and Cecilia are dad and mom from the Family House "Santa Libera" of the Pope John XXIII Community in Malo (VI). Theirs is a large family and today there are seven of them in the house. For their travels they have always been accompanied by their faithful minibus, but now the old vehicle has to be replaced because it is no longer a safe transportation. Help them so that they can purchase a new one. The cost, however, is 19,500 euros: every contribution is important and without you they cannot make it!

We reach the finish line aboard a new minibus.

Angelo and Cecilia are dad and mom from the Family House "Santa Libera" of the Pope John XXIII Community in Malo (VI). Theirs is a large family and today there are seven of them in the house. For their travels they have always been accompanied by their faithful minibus, but now the old vehicle has to be replaced because it is no longer a safe transportation. Help them so that they can purchase a new one. The cost, however, is 19,500 euros: every contribution is important and without you they cannot make it!

Angelo and Cecilia are father and mother of the "Santa Libera" Family House of the Pope John XXIII Community. They live in Malo, a small town in the province of Vicenza, and their encounter with Don Oreste Benzi's charism happened when they were a young married couple, parents of little Serena. Since then they turn their lives upside down and open the doors of their home to those who are alone and with nothing.

The choice to be Family House comes when their lives cross that of Lara, a little girl with severe cognitive deficits, abandoned in the hospital. Angelo and Cecilia become father and mother to this little girl, choosing to take her in and love her. The sacrifices are many, but the choice to open their hearts is renewed every day for her and for others.

Today Serena, Benedetta and Rachele, the oldest daughters, have married and live elsewhere, while with dad Angelo and mom Cecilia live 5 children: along with Lara, Gioele, Danijel, Leonardo and Cindy, all teenagers.

For their daily commute, they have always been accompanied by their faithful minibus, which, along with them, has experienced all kinds of things. Over the years, all the children have traveled, played, slept in it, but now the old vehicle needs to be replaced because it has reached 350,000 km and is no longer a safe transportation.

There is an urgent need to find the resources to purchase a new bus so that this wonderful family can continue to travel for everyday needs and the kids have the opportunity to all go out with mom and dad together ! The cost for a new vehicle amounts to €19,500. This is an expense that the Pope John XXIII Community, which has to provide for the many needs of more than 500 foster care settings, cannot sustain on its own. That is why your help is important!

Donate now and create your own personal fundraiser to share with friends and family so that this large family can reach the finish line aboard a new and safe bus. Every contribution is crucial and without you we can't do it!
Come on, you're in!!!
You can also donate by bank transfer or postal bulletin.
IBAN: IT04 X030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Both payable to: Pope John XXIII Community Association - ONLUS
Specifying in the reason for payment: 22R007 Santa Libera Minibus.

16,150 €

19,500 €
87 Donations


create your own fundraiser or donate for an already active one


create your own fundraiser
or donate for an already active one

Angelo and Cecilia are father and mother of the "Santa Libera" Family House of the Pope John XXIII Community. They live in Malo, a small town in the province of Vicenza, and their encounter with Don Oreste Benzi's charism happened when they were a young married couple, parents of little Serena. Since then they turn their lives upside down and open the doors of their home to those who are alone and with nothing.

The choice to be Family House comes when their lives cross that of Lara, a little girl with severe cognitive deficits, abandoned in the hospital. Angelo and Cecilia become father and mother to this little girl, choosing to take her in and love her. The sacrifices are many, but the choice to open their hearts is renewed every day for her and for others.

Today Serena, Benedetta and Rachele, the oldest daughters, have married and live elsewhere, while with dad Angelo and mom Cecilia live 5 children: along with Lara, Gioele, Danijel, Leonardo and Cindy, all teenagers.

For their daily commute, they have always been accompanied by their faithful minibus, which, along with them, has experienced all kinds of things. Over the years, all the children have traveled, played, slept in it, but now the old vehicle needs to be replaced because it has reached 350,000 km and is no longer a safe transportation.

There is an urgent need to find the resources to purchase a new bus so that this wonderful family can continue to travel for everyday needs and the kids have the opportunity to all go out with mom and dad together ! The cost for a new vehicle amounts to €19,500. This is an expense that the Pope John XXIII Community, which has to provide for the many needs of more than 500 foster care settings, cannot sustain on its own. That is why your help is important!

Donate now and create your own personal fundraiser to share with friends and family so that this large family can reach the finish line aboard a new and safe bus. Every contribution is crucial and without you we can't do it!
Come on, you're in!!!
You can also donate by bank transfer or postal bulletin.
IBAN: IT04 X030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Both payable to: Pope John XXIII Community Association - ONLUS
Specifying in the reason for payment: 22R007 Santa Libera Minibus.

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Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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