A new bus to travel the road to a better future

The homes of the Pope John XXIII Community are places of welcome, growth and opportunity for those less fortunate, but guaranteeing the smiles of those who live there on a daily basis can sometimes be costly.Make your contribution to ensure that Angelo and Cecilia's home can continue to support their children by giving them a bus to guide them to a better future.Thank you from the bottom of your heart for what you donate.

A new bus to travel the road to a better future

Fundraising by Attilio Nizzero

The homes of the Pope John XXIII Community are places of welcome, growth and opportunity for those less fortunate, but guaranteeing the smiles of those who live there on a daily basis can sometimes be costly.

Make your contribution to ensure that Angelo and Cecilia's home can continue to support their children by giving them a bus to guide them to a better future.

Thank you from the bottom of your heart for what you donate.

450 €

1,000 €
6 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: We reach the finish line aboard a new minibus.
Total project goal: 19.500 €

Angelo and Cecilia are dad and mom from the Family House "Santa Libera" of the Pope John XXIII Community in Malo (VI). Theirs is a large family and today there are seven of them in the house. For their travels they have always been accompanied by their faithful minibus, but now the old vehicle has to be replaced because it is no longer a safe transportation. Help them so that they can purchase a new one. The cost, however, is 19,500 euros: every contribution is important and without you they cannot make it!




Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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