A bus to take care of our poor

The Don Oreste Benzi Hut in Farigliano, a reality of the Pope John XXIII Community of which I am the person in charge, is a shelter designed to welcome the poor, the less fortunate and give them a family.In the facility - located at the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace in Mellea, which we take care of every day - there are currently 25 people housed, who are offered not only a welcome and protection, but also the possibility of being accompanied both for the various daily activities of social and labor reintegration, and to make the medical examinations they need. The transportation service is provided by a minibus that is now heavily worn and requires constant maintenance expenses that are no longer sustainable. This is why I need your help today: because we urgently need to buy a new minibus, the cost of which is 22,000€ and we alone cannot bear this cost. I count on all of your support to reach the total goal together, each one putting what he or she can, committing so that I can continue to answer the cry for help of those who live in my heart as well as in our home, and still be able to look into the eyes of those who have suffered beatings, abuse, deception, traveled for years with the dream of coming to our country in search of a better life far from wars and slavery. You can help us buy the bus in two ways: Donate to my fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference. If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser like me and help us engage many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation.Other ways to donate:You can also donate by bank transfer or postal bulletin.IBAN: IT04 X030 6909 6061 0000 0008036P POSTALACCOUNT: 12148417Bothpayable to: Pope John XXIII Community AssociationReason to specify: 24R012 Farigliano hut bus.We are really counting on your help. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Jonah

A bus to take care of our poor

Fundraising by Giona Cravanzola
The Don Oreste Benzi Hut in Farigliano, a reality of the Pope John XXIII Community of which I am the person in charge, is a shelter designed to welcome the poor, the less fortunate and give them a family.

In the facility - located at the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace in Mellea, which we take care of every day - there are currently 25 people housed, who are offered not only a welcome and protection, but also the possibility of being accompanied both for the various daily activities of social and labor reintegration, and to make the medical examinations they need.

The transportation service is provided by a minibus that is now heavily worn and requires constant maintenance expenses that are no longer sustainable. This is why I need your help today: because we urgently need to buy a new minibus, the cost of which is 22,000€ and we alone cannot bear this cost.

I count on all of your support to reach the total goal together, each one putting what he or she can, committing so that I can continue to answer the cry for help of those who live in my heart as well as in our home, and still be able to look into the eyes of those who have suffered beatings, abuse, deception, traveled for years with the dream of coming to our country in search of a better life far from wars and slavery.

You can help us buy the bus in two ways:

  • Donate to my fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser like me and help us engage many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation.

Other ways to donate:

You can also donate by bank transfer or postal bulletin.

IBAN: IT04 X030 6909 6061 0000 0008



: 12148417Both

payable to: Pope John XXIII Community Association

Reason to specify: 24R012 Farigliano hut bus.

We are really counting on your help.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

2,560 €

-83 Days
8,000 €
16 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: A new minibus for the Don Oreste Benzi Hut.
Total project goal: 22.000 €

La Capanna Don Oreste Benzi, a shelter reality of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Community needs your help to raise the €22,000 needed to purchase a new minibus, indispensable to accompany the acolytes both for the various daily activities of social and labor reintegration and to make the medical examinations they need. Your help is invaluable. Thank you!




Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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