Help for Mohammad's heart

Help for Mohammad's heart

Mohammad is 45 years old with a wife and five children. In Syria, in his city, Homs, he had a home, a job, a happy life, which he saw destroyed under the bombs. He left everything behind 10 years ago. She was fleeing the war. There has been fighting in his land since 2011 and the situation continues to be dramatic.
Mohammad chose to leave to seek peace and now lives in Lebanon.With volunteers from Operation Dove, Nonviolent Peace Corps of the Pope John XXIII Community, a bond of genuine closeness and sharing has been woven. Visits to Mohammad's family are always occasions to be together in friendship. We share the fatigue of an increasingly hard everyday life but also the hope for a better future.

Today Mohammad needs help. He suffers from a condition called chronic ischemic heart disease that causes him mitral insufficiency.
This delicate and precarious medical condition makes his heart vulnerable to stopping at any time and keeps Mohammad's life hanging by a thread.
Urgent surgery is needed, but the cost of the operation, already high in Lebanese private health care, is likely to become prohibitive due to the continuous fluctuation of the local currency (lira). Added to these expenses are the cost of traveling to the health facility and the cost of accompanying him after the surgery.

This is why Mohammad needs you. The generosity of those who knew his story allowed us to receive the first donations but the goal is still far away and there is no time to waste.
Help Mohammad, do it now! Every contribution is valuable to save him and to do it in time. Donate now and allow his heart to keep beating.
His life also depends on you.
Thank you.

5,770 €

5,700 €
67 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Operation Dove in Lebanon - 2022
Total project goal: 20.000 €

Operation Dove volunteers share life and work alongside Syrian refugees still living in camps across the country. Supporting, helping and protecting them means still believing in the strength of relationships and the peace that comes from staying close and dreaming together.


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