What's cooking in the pot?

Hi everyone, I'm Elena, a volunteer with the Pope John XXIII Association.It's been about a year and a half since I decided to share my days alongside the boys and children of the Cicetekelo Youth Project.In the outskirts of the city of Ndola, in Zambia, many children live on the streets, they are orphans without a family and, once they grow up, they live of that nothing that accompanies them for their whole life. They have no food, no dreams, no hope for the future. For all of them, 25 years ago, the Cicetekelo project was started, which allows us to intervene so that these children and young people can have a dignified, full and complete life. We give them shelter, food, education and job training and we accompany them, with love, in their growth path until their reintegration into the community. We prepare more than 300 meals every day in the Center's canteen, but for some time now we have had great difficulty in guaranteeing lunch and dinner, because the industrial equipment we use for cooking has burned out due to a malfunction.We urgently need to buy new ones to continue to guarantee our guests their place at the table. Help us with a donation! Every gesture is important to reach the goal and allow the Center's canteen to become operational again. Thanks to your support we will be able to feed all those who ask us for help and who count on us!Thank you all for your support! Healthy Natotela!

What's cooking in the pot?

Fundraising by Elena Belluzzi

Hi everyone, I'm Elena, a volunteer with the Pope John XXIII Association.

It's been about a year and a half since I decided to share my days alongside the boys and children of the Cicetekelo Youth Project.

In the outskirts of the city of Ndola, in Zambia, many children live on the streets, they are orphans without a family and, once they grow up, they live of that nothing that accompanies them for their whole life. They have no food, no dreams, no hope for the future. For all of them, 25 years ago, the Cicetekelo project was started, which allows us to intervene so that these children and young people can have a dignified, full and complete life. We give them shelter, food, education and job training and we accompany them, with love, in their growth path until their reintegration into the community.

We prepare more than 300 meals every day in the Center's canteen, but for some time now we have had great difficulty in guaranteeing lunch and dinner, because the industrial equipment we use for cooking has burned out due to a malfunction.

We urgently need to buy new ones to continue to guarantee our guests their place at the table. Help us with a donation! Every gesture is important to reach the goal and allow the Center's canteen to become operational again. Thanks to your support we will be able to feed all those who ask us for help and who count on us!Thank you all for your support! Healthy Natotela!

280 €

1,000 €
4 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: A kitchen for the children and young people of "Cicetekelo".
Total project goal: 6.000 €

In the heart of Misundu, Zambia, the Cicetekelo Project, run by the Pope John XXIII Community, is dedicated to welcoming and caring for street children and young people living in hardship and poverty. Every day, 300 meals are prepared, but today there is a problem to face: due to a malfunction, the industrial equipment used for cooking has burnt out. The urgency is to find the resources to buy new ones. Help the children and young people of Cicetekelo, every contribution is important!


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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