A new life of sharing

After a life spent on mission between Sri Lanka and Tanzania, the time has come for Massimiliano and Kanti's family and their children to return to Italy and begin a new life of sharing in Piedmont where they will be able to live by welcoming those who knock on their door seeking help and support. To be ready to say yes to every call and request they need to purchase an 8-seater van costing €25,000. Help them too and become part of their new adventure.

A new life of sharing

After a life spent on mission between Sri Lanka and Tanzania, the time has come for Massimiliano and Kanti's family and their children to return to Italy and begin a new life of sharing in Piedmont where they will be able to live by welcoming those who knock on their door seeking help and support. To be ready to say yes to every call and request they need to purchase an 8-seater van costing €25,000. Help them too and become part of their new adventure.

Maximilian and Kanty met in Sri Lanka, in the mission of the Pope John XXIII Community, 20 years ago.
Maximilian chose to become a member of the Community when he was only 20 years old, after realizing that his path was to share life with the poorest and most marginalized people right where they were, in the places where no one wants to go. Because that's where the need was.

So after living in Brazil and Bolivia, when they asked him to leave as a missionary for Sri Lanka for a year he immediately said yes. He could not have imagined that "life doing" that would become his home for 10 years and that there he would meet the person who would become his wife, Kanti. As they got to know each other, Kanti grew closer to the Community until she decided to join as well, sharing missionary life with Maximilian.

Thus, 8 years ago they chose to leave for Tanzania where they still live together with their 3 children and where they have shared life and the day with people who are vulnerable and excluded from society, offering concrete answers to those who had no alternative. Maximilian managed a project aimed at the job placement of young people with disabilities, while Kanty oversaw the Nutrition Center that welcomes and helps malnourished children and their families.
Iringa, the town where they live, is a small, rural and quiet setting, suitable for a family with young children but not offering many opportunities for adolescent boys, both from the point of view of education-limited to the local context-and their personal growth.

So, after thinking about it for a long time, reassured by the fact that the projects are well underway and are run independently by Community members and local educators, Massimiliano and Kanti realized that after a life spent in the mission, the time has come for them to return to Italy and begin a new life of sharing in Piedmont .
At the moment they do not yet know exactly in which projects and services they will be called to serve. The only thing that is certain is that they will live fully the sharing choice of the Pope John XXIII Community, which will lead them to open the door of their new home and their lives to the little ones that the Lord wants to send them. The Pope John XXIII Community has already found a home where they can go to live and where they can welcome those who knock on their door.

In order to be ready to say yes to every call and request, however, they need to buy an 8-seater bus, which will allow them to move around and meet the needs of the people who will become part of their new life. Help them too and become part of their new adventure. You can donate or activate a fundraiser to support the project! Come on, are you in?

300 €

25,000 €
2 Donations
Maximilian and Kanty met in Sri Lanka, in the mission of the Pope John XXIII Community, 20 years ago.
Maximilian chose to become a member of the Community when he was only 20 years old, after realizing that his path was to share life with the poorest and most marginalized people right where they were, in the places where no one wants to go. Because that's where the need was.

So after living in Brazil and Bolivia, when they asked him to leave as a missionary for Sri Lanka for a year he immediately said yes. He could not have imagined that "life doing" that would become his home for 10 years and that there he would meet the person who would become his wife, Kanti. As they got to know each other, Kanti grew closer to the Community until she decided to join as well, sharing missionary life with Maximilian.

Thus, 8 years ago they chose to leave for Tanzania where they still live together with their 3 children and where they have shared life and the day with people who are vulnerable and excluded from society, offering concrete answers to those who had no alternative. Maximilian managed a project aimed at the job placement of young people with disabilities, while Kanty oversaw the Nutrition Center that welcomes and helps malnourished children and their families.
Iringa, the town where they live, is a small, rural and quiet setting, suitable for a family with young children but not offering many opportunities for adolescent boys, both from the point of view of education-limited to the local context-and their personal growth.

So, after thinking about it for a long time, reassured by the fact that the projects are well underway and are run independently by Community members and local educators, Massimiliano and Kanti realized that after a life spent in the mission, the time has come for them to return to Italy and begin a new life of sharing in Piedmont .
At the moment they do not yet know exactly in which projects and services they will be called to serve. The only thing that is certain is that they will live fully the sharing choice of the Pope John XXIII Community, which will lead them to open the door of their new home and their lives to the little ones that the Lord wants to send them. The Pope John XXIII Community has already found a home where they can go to live and where they can welcome those who knock on their door.

In order to be ready to say yes to every call and request, however, they need to buy an 8-seater bus, which will allow them to move around and meet the needs of the people who will become part of their new life. Help them too and become part of their new adventure. You can donate or activate a fundraiser to support the project! Come on, are you in?

Fundraisers supporting the project


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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