An inclusive and unforgettable field trip!

The essence of Don Oreste Benzi School is to make education and extracurricular experiences accessible to all, without discrimination. Help the seventh graders and their parents raise €2,000 needed to cover the expenses of the trip to Madrid, thus allowing all kids to be able to participate. Let's give them a chance to explore new horizons and enrich their cultural and human backgrounds.

An inclusive and unforgettable field trip!

The essence of Don Oreste Benzi School is to make education and extracurricular experiences accessible to all, without discrimination. Help the seventh graders and their parents raise €2,000 needed to cover the expenses of the trip to Madrid, thus allowing all kids to be able to participate. Let's give them a chance to explore new horizons and enrich their cultural and human backgrounds.

Every student is a treasure to be discovered
Don Oreste Benzi School is an oasis of learning and growth located in the heart of Forli, where the seeds of knowledge, kindness and inclusion are cultivated every day.

The pedagogy of gratuitousness, the basis of teaching, creates a welcoming environment where every child can feel valued and supported in his or her growth path, guaranteeing every student the same opportunities .

A Trip to Madrid accessible to everyone!
The Don Oreste Benzi school allows and helps even those who do not have financial means to enroll and attend classes. Therefore, it is essential that these same students can also participate in extracurricular activities such as, for example, field trips, which are crucial for their growth and formation .

In fact, the seventh-grade class (18 pupils), which has been studying Spanish for two years, matured the desire to take a trip to Spain, a country whose language, geography, customs and traditions they have been studying in depth; that is why Madrid was the chosen destination.

In order not to exclude anyone and allow everyone to participate, supporting the expenses of those who could not afford an international trip, 2000€, which is therefore necessary to be able to include all students and guarantee more museum visits and experiences to be lived on site.

This is the essence of Don Oreste Benzi School: to make education and extracurricular experiences accessible to all, without discrimination .

Help us offer all students the opportunity to explore new horizons and enrich their cultural and human backgrounds.

460 €

2,000 €
7 Donations
Every student is a treasure to be discovered
Don Oreste Benzi School is an oasis of learning and growth located in the heart of Forli, where the seeds of knowledge, kindness and inclusion are cultivated every day.

The pedagogy of gratuitousness, the basis of teaching, creates a welcoming environment where every child can feel valued and supported in his or her growth path, guaranteeing every student the same opportunities .

A Trip to Madrid accessible to everyone!
The Don Oreste Benzi school allows and helps even those who do not have financial means to enroll and attend classes. Therefore, it is essential that these same students can also participate in extracurricular activities such as, for example, field trips, which are crucial for their growth and formation .

In fact, the seventh-grade class (18 pupils), which has been studying Spanish for two years, matured the desire to take a trip to Spain, a country whose language, geography, customs and traditions they have been studying in depth; that is why Madrid was the chosen destination.

In order not to exclude anyone and allow everyone to participate, supporting the expenses of those who could not afford an international trip, 2000€, which is therefore necessary to be able to include all students and guarantee more museum visits and experiences to be lived on site.

This is the essence of Don Oreste Benzi School: to make education and extracurricular experiences accessible to all, without discrimination .

Help us offer all students the opportunity to explore new horizons and enrich their cultural and human backgrounds.

News from fundraisers



Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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Or write to or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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