A minibus to be close to homeless people

The Bethlehem Shelter of Montodine (CR), of the Pope John XXIII Community, urgently needs a new van to continue to go out into the streets to look for homeless people, to give them help and comfort and to take them to the house where they can start a new life. Help us, we need your support too.

A minibus to be close to homeless people

The Bethlehem Shelter of Montodine (CR), of the Pope John XXIII Community, urgently needs a new van to continue to go out into the streets to look for homeless people, to give them help and comfort and to take them to the house where they can start a new life. Help us, we need your support too.

Don Oreste Benzi used to say: "There are poor people who do not come to us, we must go and look for them". This is what we do every day. Ournames are Duilio, Ivan, Silvio, Paolo, Angelo, Gianfri and Gianfranco and today we need your help. We are part of the Pope John XXIII Community and we have chosen to live our lives with people who have no home, no job, who have lost everything and live on the streets.
We meet homeless people to bring them basic necessities and above all attention and comfort. We visit the city of Milan, but also Spino d'Adda and Montodine, both in the province of Cremona. In these cities, the Community has also opened, for many years now, three Bethlehem Huts, homes for the homeless. After meeting them on the street, in fact, we offer them to come home with us, and live in a family atmosphere where they can begin a path to reintegrating into society.
This happens in the evenings, but the days in the Huts, especially the one in Montodine, where we spend most of our time, are just as full and hectic for everyone.
The Hut participates in the life of the city and the people welcomed, in addition to participating in the street outings to give hope through their testimony, deal with the recovery of surplus food from local supermarkets, food that is still good and becomes a meal for those who do not have one, both in the street and at home.
The tours are many, and the kilometers to be made every day add up and you need a safe and adequate means of transport. That's why we are here to ask for the help of all of you.
In fact, our current van is very old and breakdowns are the order of the day, resulting in unexpected expenses that are difficult to sustain. The Bethlehem Hut of Montodine really needs a new bus that will allow us to move safely and keep faith with the commitments that we have and that for many people treated as "invisible" are the only ray of hope in the day and in their lives.
A new van costs around 24,000 euros and the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII is currently struggling to buy one, which is why we have chosen to make a personal commitment by launching this project and asking everyone we know to support it with a donation.
We will do everything we can to raise the amount needed to buy the bus and we hope that many of you will want to help us. You can do it with a donation or, even better, by opening your own personal fundraiser, involving your friends and acquaintances to contribute to a part of the amount, the one you want.
You will concretely help those who have nothing anymore. Thank you!

You can also donate through

Iban code: IT 04X 030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Account: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Activities ONLUS
Reason for payment: 20R005 Montodine hut minibus

Payment to c/c n. 12148417
Made out to: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - ONLUS Activities
Reason for payment: 20R005 Montodine hut minibus

20,792 €

24,000 €
53 Donations
Don Oreste Benzi used to say: "There are poor people who do not come to us, we must go and look for them". This is what we do every day. Ournames are Duilio, Ivan, Silvio, Paolo, Angelo, Gianfri and Gianfranco and today we need your help. We are part of the Pope John XXIII Community and we have chosen to live our lives with people who have no home, no job, who have lost everything and live on the streets.
We meet homeless people to bring them basic necessities and above all attention and comfort. We visit the city of Milan, but also Spino d'Adda and Montodine, both in the province of Cremona. In these cities, the Community has also opened, for many years now, three Bethlehem Huts, homes for the homeless. After meeting them on the street, in fact, we offer them to come home with us, and live in a family atmosphere where they can begin a path to reintegrating into society.
This happens in the evenings, but the days in the Huts, especially the one in Montodine, where we spend most of our time, are just as full and hectic for everyone.
The Hut participates in the life of the city and the people welcomed, in addition to participating in the street outings to give hope through their testimony, deal with the recovery of surplus food from local supermarkets, food that is still good and becomes a meal for those who do not have one, both in the street and at home.
The tours are many, and the kilometers to be made every day add up and you need a safe and adequate means of transport. That's why we are here to ask for the help of all of you.
In fact, our current van is very old and breakdowns are the order of the day, resulting in unexpected expenses that are difficult to sustain. The Bethlehem Hut of Montodine really needs a new bus that will allow us to move safely and keep faith with the commitments that we have and that for many people treated as "invisible" are the only ray of hope in the day and in their lives.
A new van costs around 24,000 euros and the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII is currently struggling to buy one, which is why we have chosen to make a personal commitment by launching this project and asking everyone we know to support it with a donation.
We will do everything we can to raise the amount needed to buy the bus and we hope that many of you will want to help us. You can do it with a donation or, even better, by opening your own personal fundraiser, involving your friends and acquaintances to contribute to a part of the amount, the one you want.
You will concretely help those who have nothing anymore. Thank you!

You can also donate through

Iban code: IT 04X 030 6909 6061 0000 0008 036
Account: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - Activities ONLUS
Reason for payment: 20R005 Montodine hut minibus

Payment to c/c n. 12148417
Made out to: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII - ONLUS Activities
Reason for payment: 20R005 Montodine hut minibus

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