Help for the Polyclinic "The Watermark"

The Outpatient Clinic of the free "La Filigrana" of the Pope John XXIII Community is a place of care where the profession is put at the service of those without financial means free of charge. However, the expenses are many and everyone's contribution is needed to continue to ensure that those in need receive all the help they can get.

Help for the Polyclinic "The Watermark"

The Outpatient Clinic of the free "La Filigrana" of the Pope John XXIII Community is a place of care where the profession is put at the service of those without financial means free of charge. However, the expenses are many and everyone's contribution is needed to continue to ensure that those in need receive all the help they can get.

The Polyclinic of the free "La Filigrana," born from an intuition of Don Oreste Benzi, founder of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Community, is a place of care open to all, with priority given to people in a state of marginality and poverty: here the profession is put at the service of those in need and the professionals involved are all volunteers .

The center was born in Rimini in 2015 and has since grown year after year, thanks to the collaboration of more and more professionals who donate their time and skills to give specialized health care to people in need who otherwise would not be able to access this care. It is also in this way that the Economy of Sharing that the Community has been implementing for so many years is implemented: the goal is the good of others, because this is the only way to achieve the common good.

Visits and services are free offerings according to everyone's economic availability. This is also possible thanks to those who, being able to afford it, choose to use the services of the Outpatient Clinic by paying even for those who cannot and leaving as an offering the amount they would have paid by booking a private visit, in the knowledge that "those who can also put in for those who can less." But that is not enough.

Theexpenses are many and everyone's help is needed. The new increases have put a strain on the Outpatient Clinic--then there are the machines, operating costs, medical insurance, andspecialized equipment.

Thefunds available to the facility today are not enough to meet the many requests that come to the Outpatient Clinic every day. That is precisely why this fundraiser was launched: to contribute to the monthly expenses to give a chance for treatment to the many people who could not afford private visits and to ensure that "La Filigrana" continues to be a resource for all people in need in the Rimini area.

Help "La Filigrana" Outpatient Clinic by launching your own fundraiser, or donate to an already active one to ensure that people who cannot afford specialist visits get all the help they need .

10 €

36,000 €
A donation
The Polyclinic of the free "La Filigrana," born from an intuition of Don Oreste Benzi, founder of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Community, is a place of care open to all, with priority given to people in a state of marginality and poverty: here the profession is put at the service of those in need and the professionals involved are all volunteers .

The center was born in Rimini in 2015 and has since grown year after year, thanks to the collaboration of more and more professionals who donate their time and skills to give specialized health care to people in need who otherwise would not be able to access this care. It is also in this way that the Economy of Sharing that the Community has been implementing for so many years is implemented: the goal is the good of others, because this is the only way to achieve the common good.

Visits and services are free offerings according to everyone's economic availability. This is also possible thanks to those who, being able to afford it, choose to use the services of the Outpatient Clinic by paying even for those who cannot and leaving as an offering the amount they would have paid by booking a private visit, in the knowledge that "those who can also put in for those who can less." But that is not enough.

Theexpenses are many and everyone's help is needed. The new increases have put a strain on the Outpatient Clinic--then there are the machines, operating costs, medical insurance, andspecialized equipment.

Thefunds available to the facility today are not enough to meet the many requests that come to the Outpatient Clinic every day. That is precisely why this fundraiser was launched: to contribute to the monthly expenses to give a chance for treatment to the many people who could not afford private visits and to ensure that "La Filigrana" continues to be a resource for all people in need in the Rimini area.

Help "La Filigrana" Outpatient Clinic by launching your own fundraiser, or donate to an already active one to ensure that people who cannot afford specialist visits get all the help they need .

Fundraisers supporting the project


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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