A moment of joy to do good

For our 50th wedding anniversary, Sandra and I decided to celebrate together with family and friends and together with them to support the outpatient clinic la Filigrana in Rimini, a place of care where the profession is put to work free of charge for those without financial means.The expenses, however, are many and everyone's contribution is needed to continue to ensure that those in need of care receive all the help they can get.Many thanks to those who will support this project with a donation, sharing with us the joy of this special day.

A moment of joy to do good

A fundraiser for the special occasion "50° Anniversario Matrimonio Daniele e Sandra"
Fundraising by Daniele Drudi

For our 50th wedding anniversary, Sandra and I decided to celebrate together with family and friends and together with them to support the outpatient clinic la Filigrana in Rimini, a place of care where the profession is put to work free of charge for those without financial means.

The expenses, however, are many and everyone's contribution is needed to continue to ensure that those in need of care receive all the help they can get.

Many thanks to those who will support this project with a donation, sharing with us the joy of this special day.

10 €

900 €
A donation
The fundraiser supports the project: Help for the Polyclinic "The Watermark"
Total project goal: 36.000 €

The Outpatient Clinic of the free "La Filigrana" of the Pope John XXIII Community is a place of care where the profession is put at the service of those without financial means free of charge. However, the expenses are many and everyone's contribution is needed to continue to ensure that those in need receive all the help they can get.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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