A carpentry...that respects our Earth

Whoever cares about the future of our Earth cannot but care about this project that foresees the construction of a bigger shed where people who are considered disadvantaged by the world of work can work. Young people coming from prison and young people with disabilities together: they produce honey, wooden products and recover used clothes to give them a new life. Let's give young people a new hope, let's give hope to the future. Dai Ci Stai?

A carpentry...that respects our Earth

Fundraising by Sara Pennisi
Whoever cares about the future of our Earth cannot but care about this project that foresees the construction of a bigger shed where people who are considered disadvantaged by the world of work can work. Young people coming from prison and young people with disabilities together: they produce honey, wooden products and recover used clothes to give them a new life. Let's give young people a new hope, let's give hope to the future. Dai Ci Stai?

110 €

500 €
4 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: A carpentry workshop to build the future
Total project goal: 22.000 €

In the Ro' la Formichina Social Cooperative of the Pope John XXIII Community, for more than twenty years young people coming from prison and young people with disabilities have been learning a trade, an indispensable tool to start a new life. We have planned a larger carpentry workshop to give work and opportunities to even more people. Help us build it and together let's give a different future to our young people.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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