A call to be family for others

My brother Nicola's family home has decided to leave everything behind to follow a call from the Lord: they will soon be moving to a larger house, which, however, needs some major renovations that will make it suitable to meet the needs of the people they will welcome, especially people with disabilities.In this time of crisis for families, this adventure they have decided to undertake I feel it as a breath of the Holy Spirit coming to whisper to us that family reality is still more alive than ever. The Lord has knocked on their door, and Nicola and Donata have decided to respond with their lives.I believe that these calls need to be supported, which is why I have decided to open a fundraiser to support this project as well.All of us together, each putting in our own contribution, can help them reach their goal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

A call to be family for others

Fundraising by Riccardo Infanti

My brother Nicola's family home has decided to leave everything behind to follow a call from the Lord: they will soon be moving to a larger house, which, however, needs some major renovations that will make it suitable to meet the needs of the people they will welcome, especially people with disabilities.

In this time of crisis for families, this adventure they have decided to undertake I feel it as a breath of the Holy Spirit coming to whisper to us that family reality is still more alive than ever. The Lord has knocked on their door, and Nicola and Donata have decided to respond with their lives.

I believe that these calls need to be supported, which is why I have decided to open a fundraiser to support this project as well.

All of us together, each putting in our own contribution, can help them reach their goal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

520 €

2,000 €
6 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: A new home to love and be loved
Total project goal: 90.000 €

Nicola and Donata have chosen to be a family for those who are alone and to share life with the most fragile people. To continue to do so, they will have to move to a new house: the Rectory in Bertesina (VI), which, however, needs to be renovated to adapt to the needs of the people received and those who will arrive. The expense is high: €75,000, so they also need your help to reach the goal. Support them!




Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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