A Safe Home for Special Friends

Hi we are Laura and Andrea,we wholeheartedly support Anna Ida and Pasquale's fundraiser and invite our friends and acquaintances to help us reach our goal!Anna Ida and Pasquale live in Savignano and are the mom and dad of the "Maria Chiara" family home. Here they take in people of various ages and backgrounds and who are in difficult and vulnerable situations. The family currently lives in a house built in 1960, which is in need of various maintenance works, the most urgent of which is the replacement of the window frames. The amount needed for their replacement is 18,000€ and to reach this amount they need our help.Anna Ida and Pasquale are for us examples of giving life to others: welcoming without limits is their way of life, it does not matter where you come from or where you want to go, what matters is that you have landed at that moment and need some help. This house is also a "safe haven" for us because we have experienced it on several occasions in the past.Now they are the ones in need, so we cannot back down.Let's help them together with a donation to make their home a safe and welcoming place!

A Safe Home for Special Friends

Fundraising by Laura Decesari

Hi we are Laura and Andrea,

we wholeheartedly support Anna Ida and Pasquale's fundraiser and invite our friends and acquaintances to help us reach our goal!

Anna Ida and Pasquale live in Savignano and are the mom and dad of the "Maria Chiara" family home. Here they take in people of various ages and backgrounds and who are in difficult and vulnerable situations. The family currently lives in a house built in 1960, which is in need of various maintenance works, the most urgent of which is the replacement of the window frames. The amount needed for their replacement is 18,000€ and to reach this amount they need our help.

Anna Ida and Pasquale are for us examples of giving life to others: welcoming without limits is their way of life, it does not matter where you come from or where you want to go, what matters is that you have landed at that moment and need some help. This house is also a "safe haven" for us because we have experienced it on several occasions in the past.

Now they are the ones in need, so we cannot back down.

Let's help them together with a donation to make their home a safe and welcoming place!

1,100 €

1,000 €
21 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: We renovate the Maria Chiara Family Home to safely welcome
Total project goal: 22.000 €

The 'Maria Chiara' family home, a shelter reality of the Pope John XXIII Community, needs your help to raise €22,000 needed to replace the fixtures and door, essential to make the house more welcoming and safe for all those who find shelter there. Help them too!


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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