Urgent help for our Family Home "Mary Clare"

Hello everyone,we have activated this fundraiser because our Family House urgently needs a hand: the house where we live in Savignano sul Rubicone is very old and needs some very urgent maintenance work, the first one is definitely the replacement of the window frames that can no longer shelter us from the rain that wets walls, floors and creates infiltrations. If we succeed we would also need to change the front door. It is very important for us to have a safe house because we take in so many fragile people, with disabilities, children, families in need of help, women seeking liberation from the slavery of sexual exploitation.The cost of the work, however, is very high: 22,000€. To bear this expense alone as a family for us is impossible, and the Pope John XXIII Community, of which we are a part, has to take care of the needs of more than 500 Family Homes, and at the moment cannot bear this expense. That is why we have launched a fundraiser here on the platform "Dai ci stai".We are asking for help from our friends and those who know and love us, because unity is strength, and together, thanks to the small or big help of those who would like to support us, we will be able to reach the goal, each one putting in their own little piece.You can support this project in two ways:Donate to our family fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference.If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser yourself, as we did, and help us involve many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation.We rely on all of you.Anna Ida and Pasquale

Urgent help for our Family Home "Mary Clare"

Fundraising by Anna Ida e Pasquale

Hello everyone,

we have activated this fundraiser because our Family House urgently needs a hand: the house where we live in Savignano sul Rubicone is very old and needs some very urgent maintenance work, the first one is definitely the replacement of the window frames that can no longer shelter us from the rain that wets walls, floors and creates infiltrations. If we succeed we would also need to change the front door. It is very important for us to have a safe house because we take in so many fragile people, with disabilities, children, families in need of help, women seeking liberation from the slavery of sexual exploitation.

The cost of the work, however, is very high: 22,000€. To bear this expense alone as a family for us is impossible, and the Pope John XXIII Community, of which we are a part, has to take care of the needs of more than 500 Family Homes, and at the moment cannot bear this expense. That is why we have launched a fundraiser here on the platform "Dai ci stai".

We are asking for help from our friends and those who know and love us, because unity is strength, and together, thanks to the small or big help of those who would like to support us, we will be able to reach the goal, each one putting in their own little piece.

You can support this project in two ways:

  • Donate to our family fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser yourself, as we did, and help us involve many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation.

We rely on all of you.

Anna Ida and Pasquale

23,921 €

19,000 €
35 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: We renovate the Maria Chiara Family Home to safely welcome
Total project goal: 22.000 €

The 'Maria Chiara' family home, a shelter reality of the Pope John XXIII Community, needs your help to raise €22,000 needed to replace the fixtures and door, essential to make the house more welcoming and safe for all those who find shelter there. Help them too!


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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