We support the HuDA Association in Gaza

We support the HuDA Association in Gaza

"People are queuing up for water and bread. There are so many people who have come and are coming south and don't know where to stay, they have brought very few things with them, they have nothing, they have fled quickly. They are terrified. We are looking for funds to help them, for food."

These are the dramatic words of Nada who, with her father and dozens of other volunteers, is part of HuDA - Human Developmental Association, an association based in al-Qarara, in the south of the Gaza Strip (Khan Younis district) where it provides educational and psycho-social support for children and youth and women's empowerment. As Operation Dove we have known HuDA for more than 20 years, since we began our presence in Palestine in 2002.

We are therefore responding to their call for urgent help with this fundraising campaign to support HuDA in providing minimum livelihood and material aid (food and basic necessities) to the people of Gaza. Every donation is important for these people who no longer have food or a safe place to stay.

These days, in fact, the greatest humanitarian tragedy ever experienced by Palestinians since 1948 is unfolding. Since the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7, incessant Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip is causing a number of casualties that is growing dramatically by the day.

Added to this, Israel has imposed a total siege, preventing essential supplies of electricity, water, fuel, food, medicine and medical supplies from entering the enclave, thus leaving 2.3 million people in a catastrophic situation.
Nearly 1.5 million people have already been forced to leave their homes, in a closed area that is among the most densely populated on the planet, where nowhere is safe and from which no one can escape to safety.

The siege of the Gaza Strip did not begin last Oct. 7 but has persisted for 16 years, since Israel imposed a total border closure and carried out massive military strikes on Gaza (2009, 2012, 2014, 2021), with a devastating impact on the population's living conditions.

Operation Dove began its presence in Palestine in 2002 just in the south of the Gaza Strip, with activities of accompaniment, nonviolent interposition and monitoring of human rights violations perpetrated by Israeli settlers and army. Even after the closure of the Gaza garrison and the opening of a presence in Masafer Yatta (West Bank), the link with the people known then has never been broken. Periodically, a delegation from Operation Dove travels to Gaza to monitor the situation and keep relations with HuDa alive. The last trip was last May.

In this dramatic situation, we really count on your support for the HuDA Friend Association. Thank you.

34,977 €

15,000 €
293 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Operation Dove in Palestine - 2023
Total project goal: 40.000 €

Volunteers from Operation Dove, a nonviolent peace corps of the Pope John XXIII Community, have been present in the Palestinian village of At-Tuwani since 2004. Their presence is necessary because they protect children on their way to school and safeguard the safety of Palestinian residents in the area, as well as denounce the Human Rights violations that too often occur there. Support our volunteers to ensure the children and families there are safe and secure.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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