Saving Isra from obscurity

Isra is a mother living in the Tel Abbas refugee camp in Lebanon who suffers from an illness that is making her blind. She needs immediate surgery to save her sight. Help the volunteers of Operazione Colomba to cover the necessary expenses for the operation.

Saving Isra from obscurity

Isra is a mother living in the Tel Abbas refugee camp in Lebanon who suffers from an illness that is making her blind. She needs immediate surgery to save her sight. Help the volunteers of Operazione Colomba to cover the necessary expenses for the operation.
Isra is a Syrian woman, mother of five children. She has been living in Tel Abbas camp for 6 years, when she and her family had to flee the city of Hama because of the bombings. Since then she has been living in a tent, in conditions of precariousness and desperation like so many Syrians forced to flee the war.
Isra, however, with one more difficulty.
She suffers from keratoconus, a disease that affects the eyes and that has caused her almost total loss of sight in one eye. In the other eye, she has only 20% of her vision left. Isra, a mother of five who fled the war and is taking care of her family in a refugee camp, cannot do so if she goes blind. That's why we're asking for your help.
To avoid losing her sight completely, Isra needs urgent eye-saving surgery within weeks, but she doesn't have the resources to do it in Lebanon.
The Lebanese health system is private and not accessible to Syrian refugees, who struggle to even find money to eat, let alone undergo an operation that costs $6,000.
We volunteers of Operazione Colomba, the peace corps of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, have been living at the Tel Abbas camp since 2013 and for the past 7 years we have been sharing our lives every day with Syrian families, side by side in tents, to help them and not make them feel alone.
We are doing the same for Isra and her family, determined to do what we can to change her fate. This is why we have decided to open this fundraiser: we want to collect the amount of money needed to allow Isra to have surgery and save his sight.
Of the 6,000 dollars needed for the operation, 3,000 are still missing, equal to about 2,700 euros, and it is this sum that we hope to reach with your help. We are convinced that together, our support and yours will be able to save Isra from blindness.
We ask for your help for this woman. Support us with a donation and help us to make Isra's story known by sharing the collection with your friends.
In these days we have done everything possible to collect the necessary funds, but to help her now we need you. Thank you.

3,000 €

2,700 €
50 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Operation Dove in Lebanon - 2020
Total project goal: 20.000 €

Thousands of displaced people are still living in refugee camps in northern Lebanon, many of them here in Tel Abbas, together with our volunteers who share their suffering but also their hope. Support them to build peace together.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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