Return to Colombia

Return to Colombia. Now, more than ever, it is fundamental to support and accompany the peace processes of those who are building the present and future of the country from below. The path of nonviolent resistance of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó must be protected, accompanied and made known. Many of you have always shown deep esteem and affection towards my commitment with Operation Dove, aware that our future depends on the survival of this Peace Community.For me, giving is being "with the other" and the gift is a way of thinking and acting that transforms our social context into something more supportive, which also responds to the desire for a sense of belonging to something just.I thank you for your very important support that will continue to make you stay, through my presence with Operazione Colomba, at the side of those people who are really the hope for humanity in a moment of deep world crisis. "Seeds must be considered a common good, because they are our life". (C. Petrini)Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Silvia

Return to Colombia

Fundraising by Silvia De Munari

Return to Colombia. Now, more than ever, it is fundamental to support and accompany the peace processes of those who are building the present and future of the country from below. The path of nonviolent resistance of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó must be protected, accompanied and made known. Many of you have always shown deep esteem and affection towards my commitment with Operation Dove, aware that our future depends on the survival of this Peace Community.

For me, giving is being "with the other" and the gift is a way of thinking and acting that transforms our social context into something more supportive, which also responds to the desire for a sense of belonging to something just.

I thank you for your very important support that will continue to make you stay, through my presence with Operazione Colomba, at the side of those people who are really the hope for humanity in a moment of deep world crisis.

"Seeds must be considered a common good, because they are our life".
(C. Petrini)

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


5,810 €

5,000 €
39 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Operation Dove in Colombia - 2021
Total project goal: 15.000 €

Farmers threatened by armed groups are resisting nonviolently to continue living on their land: the presence of volunteers is necessary for their safety. Operation Dove, the nonviolent corps of the Pope John XXIII Community, is a concrete response to peace... support it!


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