Syrian May Day!

Hello,I am writing to you because tomorrow is my birthday and I am sure you have been asking yourself for at least 2-3 days how we could celebrate together. Well, I have an idea.... I would like, thanks also to your contribution, to collect a sum of money to be destined to the projects of Operazione Colomba, the non-violent peace corps of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII.This initiative of mine is not at all casual: on Sunday, May 16, I will personally reach the project active in northern Lebanon on the border with Syria. Operazione Colomba has been working in Lebanon since 2013 and since then the volunteers have been living in very close contact with the 2000 people in one of the many refugee camps that have sprung up since the beginning of the war. The presence contributes to the creation of a climate as peaceful as possible in an extremely delicate territory where there is a very strong social tension.In fact, Lebanon is about the size of Abruzzo and hosts one million refugees who are not recognized as refugees.The goal is to contribute to the end of the war in Syria with non-violent interventions aimed at reconciliation. Change can and must come from below! This is testified by the peace proposal entitled "WE THE SYRIANS" that I invite you to go and see.I am really happy for the opportunity I have been given and I hope that on the occasion of a nice anniversary (26 are a lot) you will accompany my departure with a small economic contribution. I am sure it will help to shorten the distance that keeps us apart for more than a year.Needless to say, every small sum is a great help.I embrace you strongly and thank you.Vincenzo

Syrian May Day!

A fundraiser for the special occasion "AUGURI VINCENZO" (01/05/2021)
Fundraising by Vincenzo Vitale


I am writing to you because tomorrow is my birthday and I am sure you have been asking yourself for at least 2-3 days how we could celebrate together. Well, I have an idea.... I would like, thanks also to your contribution, to collect a sum of money to be destined to the projects of Operazione Colomba, the non-violent peace corps of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII.

This initiative of mine is not at all casual: on Sunday, May 16, I will personally reach the project active in northern Lebanon on the border with Syria. Operazione Colomba has been working in Lebanon since 2013 and since then the volunteers have been living in very close contact with the 2000 people in one of the many refugee camps that have sprung up since the beginning of the war. The presence contributes to the creation of a climate as peaceful as possible in an extremely delicate territory where there is a very strong social tension.

In fact, Lebanon is about the size of Abruzzo and hosts one million refugees who are not recognized as refugees.

The goal is to contribute to the end of the war in Syria with non-violent interventions aimed at reconciliation. Change can and must come from below! This is testified by the peace proposal entitled "WE THE SYRIANS" that I invite you to go and see.

I am really happy for the opportunity I have been given and I hope that on the occasion of a nice anniversary (26 are a lot) you will accompany my departure with a small economic contribution. I am sure it will help to shorten the distance that keeps us apart for more than a year.

Needless to say, every small sum is a great help.

I embrace you strongly and thank you.


780 €

1,000 €
37 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Operation Dove in Lebanon - 2020
Total project goal: 20.000 €

Thousands of displaced people are still living in refugee camps in northern Lebanon, many of them here in Tel Abbas, together with our volunteers who share their suffering but also their hope. Support them to build peace together.


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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