For those who need help, come on are you in?

Don Oreste Benzi, founder of the Pope John XXIII Community, had his own way of convincing the people he met to accept his proposals: "Come on, are you in?" he would say, with the serious look and enthusiastic smile of children. And they were proposals that seemed out of this world... instead, thousands of people chose to share the commitment to the side of the least, welcoming them into their homes, taking care of them and making them part of their families. The Community since 1968, the year of its birth, has been concretely committed to combating marginalization and poverty in all its forms.To Don Benzi's question I chose to answer 'yes'.Our family has opened itself to welcoming and we still have our dream in the drawer.I decided to create this page to raise funds for my community brothers and sisters who have personally stood by the last ones - as Franca did - giving their lives every day, every day.Come on, are you in?

For those who need help, come on are you in?

Fundraising by MARA TROMBETTA

Don Oreste Benzi, founder of the Pope John XXIII Community, had his own way of convincing the people he met to accept his proposals: "Come on, are you in?" he would say, with the serious look and enthusiastic smile of children. And they were proposals that seemed out of this world... instead, thousands of people chose to share the commitment to the side of the least, welcoming them into their homes, taking care of them and making them part of their families. The Community since 1968, the year of its birth, has been concretely committed to combating marginalization and poverty in all its forms.

To Don Benzi's question I chose to answer 'yes'.

Our family has opened itself to welcoming and we still have our dream in the drawer.

I decided to create this page to raise funds for my community brothers and sisters who have personally stood by the last ones - as Franca did - giving their lives every day, every day.

Come on, are you in?

40 €

1,000 €
2 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Your table for One Meal a Day
Total project goal: 10.000 €

Create your own online fundraiser and get your friends involved-let's create a big table together for those suffering from hunger, in Italy and around the world.




Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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