Providence is great but needs a means to reach everyone
Fundraising by Luisa Spadoni
There are many food products, and not only food products, that should be thrown away when their expiry date is approaching or because they cannot be sold for various reasons, but are still good. This is why it is important to make the most of waste, to collect in order to redistribute and thus take care of each other and of those who are most disadvantaged. The Providence bus helps to promote the separate collection of these products, preventing them from being thrown away en masse: paper, plastic, organic matter and glass. With the providence bus, respect for solidarity and the environment can also stir consciences and restore importance to the work of those who have produced these goods with the effort of every day.
The cost of the van, € 20,000, is very high, but thanks to the generous donation of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna are only € 10,000 missing to be able to buy it!
Help us with a donation to buy a minibus with fridge to allow us to continue to collect food and distribute it to many families in need.