My special family needs you!

My special family needs you!

I am Maria Franca and for 12 years I have been a mother at the Family House "Our Lady of the Rosary" of the Pope John XXIII Community in the hills of Sampierdarena (Genoa). I have been a widow for a long time and when I arrived here I felt inside that I was answering a call that wanted me in this place. My husband was gone, my children were already grown, and inside I had the certainty that this "yes" was asking me to give my whole life. First I was a nurse, then, quite naturally, I switched to being a full-time mom.

My children, those whom life has entrusted to me over the years, are adults, with disabilities and severe delays. I see them with a mother's eyes, when I change and dress them, when I take care of them. Some are not self-sufficient, they have special needs, sometimes they are very challenging. Also living with us is Lucia, who, like me, chose the Community to give her life to the last ones. Today she is 78 years old and I try to take care of her and give her the love that she first, for so many years, gave.

I told you about my family because we have an urgent need: to buy a dryer. There are 7 of us in the house, which means that clothes and sheets get dirty very often, especially since some people need to be changed more than once a day. You can imagine how hard my washing machine works!

That's why I'm here asking for your help, that's why I need you! Your donation will enable us to make this much-needed purchase for all of us. I thank you in advance for your support and generosity.

1,805 €

1,300 €
41 Donations


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