Friends of Catania together with the last ones

We are the friends of Catania and for six years now, together with many young people from the Pope John XXIII Community, we have been going out into the streets every week to meet all the people without a home or food. It is enough to take a walk in the centre, near the bus station, to see how many have lost everything and are alone. We offer them something to eat and drink, but above all we offer them our company. For us, going out into the street is very important because with many we have created a sincere bond, we know their stories and what they live every day. For example, a young man with drug addiction problems that we met on the street, asked for our help and is now in a therapeutic facility of our Community where he is following a path to get rid of his addiction. They allow us to enter their lives and we, in this way, can understand what they really need: a hot meal, a place to stay, a friend.Help us to support the Un Pasto al Giorno campaign of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII: donate a meal to those in need in Catania and all over Italy!Thanks

Friends of Catania together with the last ones

Fundraising by Vincenzo Virgilio

We are the friends of Catania and for six years now, together with many young people from the Pope John XXIII Community, we have been going out into the streets every week to meet all the people without a home or food. It is enough to take a walk in the centre, near the bus station, to see how many have lost everything and are alone. We offer them something to eat and drink, but above all we offer them our company. For us, going out into the street is very important because with many we have created a sincere bond, we know their stories and what they live every day. For example, a young man with drug addiction problems that we met on the street, asked for our help and is now in a therapeutic facility of our Community where he is following a path to get rid of his addiction.

They allow us to enter their lives and we, in this way, can understand what they really need: a hot meal, a place to stay, a friend.Help us to support the Un Pasto al Giorno campaign of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII: donate a meal to those in need in Catania and all over Italy!


1,000 €
The fundraiser supports the project: Your table for One Meal a Day
Total project goal: 10.000 €

Create your own online fundraiser and get your friends involved-let's create a big table together for those suffering from hunger, in Italy and around the world.




Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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