When I set foot in Colombia again to stand by the side of this extraordinary Peace Community and try, in my (our) small way, to be protection, support and moral strength, the first words I heard were, "How wonderful to see you here with us once again!" It is good to hear this, of course, but it is even more beautiful and powerful to know that if I am still here with them, it is because so many and so many of you have made my presence here possible, because you BELIEVE in me, in us. The struggle to defend one's land involves no stopping, the path is arduous. And when I see these faces intimidated but with tenacious looks, looks that are aware of all that is happening in the midst of a conflict that unfortunately sees no end, I say to myself and to you: let us support this struggle, let us continue to BE by their side. BE there, that is what they ask of us.I will continue to do my, albeit small, part, Thank you, always! Silvia


Fundraising by Silvia De Munari

When I set foot in Colombia again to stand by the side of this extraordinary Peace Community and try, in my (our) small way, to be protection, support and moral strength, the first words I heard were, "How wonderful to see you here with us once again!"

It is good to hear this, of course, but it is even more beautiful and powerful to know that if I am still here with them, it is because so many and so many of you have made my presence here possible, because you BELIEVE in me, in us.

The struggle to defend one's land involves no stopping, the path is arduous. And when I see these faces intimidated but with tenacious looks, looks that are aware of all that is happening in the midst of a conflict that unfortunately sees no end, I say to myself and to you: let us support this struggle, let us continue to BE by their side. BE there, that is what they ask of us.

I will continue to do my, albeit small, part,

Thank you, always!


4,910 €

5,000 €
43 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Operation Dove in Colombia - 2023
Total project goal: 15.000 €

Operation Dove volunteers are present in the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó to provide the civilian population with greater security and hope for a better life. Support them to build peace with them.


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