Let's give Muhammad and Isba the opportunity for a new life.

Let's give Muhammad and Isba the opportunity for a new life.

My name is Stephen, I have been a member of the Pope John XXIII Community since 2008, and I firmly believe that everyone should have the chance to change the course of their lives. Especially those who were born in a country that does not offer opportunities and have to struggle every day to build the life they want.

A few weeks ago, at the listening center in Turin, which we run as the Pope John XXIII Community, we met Muhammad and Isba, a young couple from Pakistan, and Fatima, their five-month-old baby girl. Their story is very similar to the story that many of the foreign people we meet here in Italy live. It is a story of journeys, attempts, struggles and dreams.

Muhammad arrived in Italy a few years ago on a work visa, then moved to France to be a clerk in an electronics store, and when the store closed he returned to Italy and started working as a rider. He is a strong-willed and courageous guy who does not back down from any opportunity because it is crucial for him to have the resources to support his family.

Theynow live in Turin in a room they rented from a compatriot, but it is a makeshift accommodation and not decent for their family: it is too small for all three of them and there is no heating or electricity. They need to find new accommodation as soon as possible, suitable for the needs of a baby only a few months old.

With his job Muhammad manages to earn about €800 a month, but that is not enough to provide everything a family of three with a small baby needs. Here in Turin they have no family members or friends, and since they do not have residency they cannot be taken care of by Social Services. They have asked for help but everyone has closed the doors in their faces. They are alone, last among the last, but they are a united and willing couple, they love each other very much and they are doing everything to ensure the best possible future for their little girl .

The Pope John XXIII Community has therefore decided to help them, as it does with so many other families it accompanies on a path to autonomy. Iam personally working to find help for them, and I am also asking you to stand by me and support this new family. We have found a tiny but perfect apartment for their needs, thanks to which they will finally be able to apply for residency and be taken care of by social services, but we have to hurry so as not to lose this opportunity.

Together with other associations in the area with which we collaborate, we have built a project of social insertion that includes attending Italian language courses and working with an educator to help them integrate into the social context.

With this collection we want to find the necessary funds to help them pay rent, utilities and the educator who will accompany them for this first year, until they become autonomous and able to take care of themselves from their family.

Together we can all help Mohammad and Isba realize their dream: to live in Italy safely, with a decent job, and to ensure that Fatima has a peaceful and happy life. Dai Ci Stai?

2,250 €

10,000 €
22 Donations


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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