Let's build a cozy home together
Fundraising by Paola Repetto
Hi, we are Paola and Alberto and as many of you know our family was forced to move out of Finale Ligure and look for a new home which we found in Albenga.
For our children with disabilities, Alessio and little A.F. it takes time to adapt to the changes, so it is very important to adapt the new home to their needs, to keep as much as possible points of reference with the old habits and routines . Alessio told us the other day, "I'm really happy, the new house is getting really nice."
However, the new house is smaller and has a terrace that needs to be equipped so that it can become "their" dedicated space. The first action is to make it safe and functional by installing a fence. It will then need a veranda, which will shelter from the sun, a "soft corner" where A.F. can relax and relieve stress, because disabilities like his place place a heavy strain on his muscles, and a space where Alessio can give vent to the "passion" for 2-wheelers that he has had since childhood.
To do these works, which are fundamental for the daily life and psychophysical well-being of our children, we need about 10,000 €, an expense that the Pope John XXIII Community cannot sustain at this time. For this we need the help of our friends.
You can donate to our collection or do even more: activate your own personal collection to share with your contacts. The more of us, the sooner we can reach the goal! Come on, are you in?