Con cariño y mucho amor
Fundraising by Alessia Galbiati
In the forest invaded by fire, all the animals flee in fear. The hummingbird proceeds in reverse: back toward the forest with a drop of water in its beak. The jaguar taunts him, "What do you want to do?" The hummingbird replies, "My share."
Since 1997, the Comunidad de Paz of San Jose de Apartadó has been nonviolently resisting the Colombian armed conflict, suffering continuous human rights violations. We volunteers of Operation Dove stand by their side and want to continue to do so.
For the resistance of these peasants,
for allowing me to walk alongside them,
for everything they have taught me.
Vamos todos adelante...
Your support is really important, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
1,215 €
1,000 €
11 Donations